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Map of homelessness in the UK

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I'm curious, who made you all arbitors of freedom? It's not as if he/she isn't clear about the subject in the title. You all arrived here knowing what to expect didn't you? If not I would have thought homelessness - lack of homes would have given it away.


We had homeless people when we had housing association and council properties that couldn't be let not that many years ago. Homelessness is not just about lack of housing - much is about the lack of peoples ability to maintain a tenancy - often due to mental health / drugs / alcohol issues. Lot's of people rely on support workers to help maintain their tenancy.


Another group who tend to figure disproportionately in "homeless" figures are ex - services who can't adjust to civvy street.


Now that support is being withdrawn from vulnerable groups around the country, expect homelessness to increase.

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Like making a conscious decision to read my housing related posts? :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Probably not for much longer since they are repetitive and boring and I've other things to do. If there was anything earth shattering in them then maybe, but since there is just the same old same old...

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It's also worth pointing out that cities attract runaways etc so as Sheffield is englands 4th biggest city (don't know about uk asca whole. ) it doesn't surprise me much. Where do you expect it to be ?


It is Birmingham going on the stats I have quoted.


The other 7 LAs with higher homeless rates per 1000 population in order are Hackney, Luton, Haringey, Wellingborough, Croydon, Coventry and Portsmouth.


Followed by Sheffield.

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Did you see the map?


Did you see the tables?


What do you think about Sheffield having a higher rate of homelessness per 1000 population, than 425 of the 433 LAs in the UK?


It is not often Sheffield comes near the top of a poll;pipe down and enjoy the glory spoilsport.

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