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Are we not allowed to care anymore?

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I text a friend earlier today, I text them every now and then, just to see how they are, and if they are up to anything nice at the weekend etc...


I did my usual "hey, how are you, hope you're well, are you out at all tonight?" sort of text, and they replied with something along the lines of..


"Yes thank you why?"


I said that I was only wondering, and just seeing how they are etc.., and all they could reply with was "i'm fine ta..."


after a couple of texts asking about thier Uni course, and placement they asked why I was bothered... after explaining that "its what friends do/ask" etc they didn't believe me when I said its because they are a friend and I care about them, then when I exclaimed it was true and that I actually give a -brown stuff that comes out of a backside- about them, they haven't replied..


So, are we not allowed to care anymore?

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Maybe your friend just doesn't like you?


they have been fine previously.. and they know me well enough to know that if that is the case, they can just say so, or just tell me to leave them alone or whatever and I will...

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Just out of interest,how often is now and then.


at least every weekend... some times mid week, but I know it's awkard for them to reply during the week due to thier Uni placement... i'm not talking once a month or something like that..


infact I actually went out for a drink with them a couple of weeks ago, since we both had the opportunity...

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at least every weekend... some times mid week, but I know it's awkard for them to reply during the week due to thier Uni placement... i'm not talking once a month or something like that..


infact I actually went out for a drink with them a couple of weeks ago, since we both had the opportunity...

What ever the reason, it'll be more to do with them than you. Don't worry about it.. they probably think you know something that they don't want people knowing and Paranoia's kicked in.
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yeah true, and I guess if they are a true friend, they will text me if/when they feel they can/wan't to... and i'll be right here when they do...


still doesn't make you feel good though... I feel like utter -brown stuff that... blah blah- right now, but have lots of other stuff going on at the moment...


gotta find a new job asap for one.. :(

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