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Are we not allowed to care anymore?

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I know it's hard, but I'd try not to get it get to you.


You can never know what's going on in someone's head or how they value you. So all you can do is be the same great person regardless of how other's behave.


Like relationships, many friendships die out, but perhaps your friend is going through issues you don't know anything about.


Or perhaps, as has been said above, perhaps the friendship is more one sided than you thought.


Either way, YES you are allowed to care. It's just finding people who appreciate you for your special qualities that's the key to a good friendship :)

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I think you maybe have to be a little more tuned in to what level your different friends have in your life. Some might want to keep in touch a couple of times a week. In which case, they'll text you on average as often as you text them.


Some will prefer to keep in touch less frequently, in which case they'll text you on average as often as you text them.


Some will only keep in touch on birthdays, Christmas etc. In which case, they'll text you on your birthday, you'll text them on their birthday, either can text first at Christmas and it really doesn't matter in the slightest which of you texts first on NYE.


Do you see a pattern here? :)


Also, when you get your life back on track (I mean that nicely, I know you're hoping to get a new job etc) you'll be able to send a text to all your friends, saying, 'hey I got a new job! Can't wait to start! Anyway, how are you?'. That way, people have something ABOUT YOU to reply about! Otherwise, it can look like you're a little sad and lonely, trying to get inside their life because you don't have one of your own.


I think most of us have some people who we keep in touch with almost daily (depending on what's happening in our lives) as well as people who we care about, and who care about us, but with whom we don't have the sort of relationship that lives our lives in each other's pockets.


Just a thought. If someone's not texting you as often as you text them, personally I'd lay off the texts until they choose to text. Saves you getting hurt!

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I'm uncomfortable with friends being too friendly, and i tend to befriend people with the same mindset.

I rarely text or phone my friends unless we are to meet up, and i hate pointless conversation just for the sake of catching up.


I know that makes me sound miserable but it works well for me and my close friends.

I prefer to save stuff to talk about till i'm face to face, as do the few friends i keep.


I'm not one for facebook, twitter, my space banter, etc.

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Myself and my best friend are constantly at loggerheads, we can't seem to agree about anything and we often go weeks without speaking.

I guess it's because we are just too much alike, both real stubborn buggers and real strong willed.

We grew up together as we were neighbours, i'm 41, he's 42, spent everyday together, mostly arguing silly points and point scoring.

God only knows how we are still friends, i love him to bits, though at times i can't abide him, he feels just the same. :hihi:

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