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Human breeding - Unaffordable in 21st century UK

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David Cameron courted controversy today by talking about families who had children before they could afford to support them.


This is because humans breeding without accessing the benefit system after doing so has become unaffordable.


If it wasn't for tax credits and child benefit I don't think many workers could support themselves and their families anymore...

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This is because humans breeding without accessing the benefit system after doing so has become unaffordable.

Especially when they don't work.


UK Workless Households Double In 14 Years


13 of those years under a Labour government and during supposedly the longest period of sustained growth ever.


If they couldn't get a job (or in many cases, chose not to) during the boom years, they've no chance during the Brown bust.



91% Increase In Couples Renting With Others As Rents Soar


Nothing to do with an unsustainable housing boom? I know, let's ask Gordon "I will not let house prices get out of control" Brown.



Gas Up 19% Electricity Up 10%


Gordon Brown's inability to curb greedy power companies is his single greatest failure

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My nan had a day job and a night job, with my granddad in the pit full time to support my mam and her sisters... I guess anyone who wants kids can afford them if they put the hours in - we've been spoiled compared to our parents and grandparents and what they had to do to survive...

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Especially when they don't work.


*Work for a wage.


Humans have been around for far longer than 'money'.


Family sizes have been decreasing globally for decades now, and people cannot afford to raise children!


Yet we are 'richer' now.

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Nothing to do with the Tories privatising utilities then?


Or Thatcher's right to buy? (Which was continued by Labour).

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My nan had a day job and a night job, with my granddad in the pit full time to support my mam and her sisters... I guess anyone who wants kids can afford them if they put the hours in - we've been spoiled compared to our parents and grandparents and what they had to do to survive...


If the pit was open and 84 hours of work going I'd be down there myself!


Plenty of work in walking distance would be a godsend!


Nowadays your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.


Benefits are equivalent to about 32 hours wages.


40 hours of work are on offer if your lucky, overtime isn't available, and Working Time Regulations limit you to 48 hours a week. Although you can opt out and work 84 hours a week, your forced to take rest days every so often.


And even if you were fortunate enough to have a job with all the hours god sends, you'd still be struggling like buggery to pay for car insurance to legally drive to that workplace in the first place, because its well over £100 a week to insure a car for young men and public transport is inadequate. 12 hour shifts everyday of every week take their toll when you have to spend 4 hours a day using buses.


How are you going to raise a child?


The state taxes you to the hilt, you can only afford to raise a child with the kickbacks. People can't even get allotments. No wonder it is hard to feed a family!

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If the pit was open and 84 hours of work going I'd be down there myself!


Plenty of work in walking distance would be a godsend!


Nowadays your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.


Benefits are equivalent to about 32 hours wages.


40 hours of work are on offer if your lucky, overtime isn't available, and Working Time Regulations limit you to 48 hours a week. Although you can opt out and work 84 hours a week, your forced to take rest days every so often.


And even if you were fortunate enough to have a job with all the hours god sends, you'd still be struggling like buggery to pay for car insurance to legally drive to that workplace in the first place, because its well over £100 a week to insure a car for young men and public transport is inadequate. 12 hour shifts everyday of every week take their toll when you have to spend 4 hours a day using buses.


How are you going to raise a child?


The state taxes you to the hilt, you can only afford to raise a child with the kickbacks. People can't even get allotments. No wonder it is hard to feed a family!


Life is easier today than it was in my nan's day... Wages are higher, but people want different things... We now spend cash on things that were once considered luxuries, and feel that these things are now essential... Kids are only expensive because of all the tat they believe they 'need'... As my mam used to tell me, it's what you 'want' not what you 'need'... Things like cars! I've never owned one, as I don't need one living in a city - plenty of cheap public transport and a bike is free after you have put out the initial £200... I don't spend 4 hours a day on a bus either - my God! How far away do you think you have to travel to find work??? It's not the 1980's, it's not the 1930's - work is here and travelling from one side of the city to the other on a bus takes an hour max!


There still is plenty of work for people to have two or three jobs... I recently worked a day and and a evening job, but dropped the night one as it was wearing me out! I'm not getting any younger, and my day job is challenging... If I had a job that required no quals and purely physical effort, I'd have managed two jobs still... Just get out there and start working and earning and you will find you have the cash to breed and you won't need handouts... Have faith in yourself and stand on your own two feet...


Good luck!

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Life is easier today than it was in my nan's day... Wages are higher, but people want different things... We now spend cash on things that were once considered luxuries, and feel that these things are now essential... Kids are only expensive because of all the tat they believe they 'need'... As my mam used to tell me, it's what you 'want' not what you 'need'... Things like cars! I've never owned one, as I don't need one living in a city - plenty of cheap public transport and a bike is free after you have put out the initial £200... I don't spend 4 hours a day on a bus either - my God! How far away do you think you have to travel to find work??? It's not the 1980's, it's not the 1930's - work is here and travelling from one side of the city to the other on a bus takes an hour max!


There still is plenty of work for people to have two or three jobs... I recently worked a day and and a evening job, but dropped the night one as it was wearing me out! I'm not getting any younger, and my day job is challenging... If I had a job that required no quals and purely physical effort, I'd have managed two jobs still... Just get out there and start working and earning and you will find you have the cash to breed and you won't need handouts... Have faith in yourself and stand on your own two feet...


Good luck!


How many hours do you work and how many kick backs do you get from the state?


I'm on about raising a family without help from the state.


40 hours a week is going to get you about £200. After rent, travel and council tax there ain't much to raise a family.



I do agree with you, that you don't NEED a car, however, you'd need to live close to the workplace, but you have to remember jobs don't last long nowadays and moving house often, isn't cheap. Petrol etc. is dirt cheap, insurance is the prohibitive cost (and there is no need for it to be so). Commuting is necessary for certain jobs.


And when you say people spend cash on luxuries, I am not one of them. The people who do are probably using credit cards before their inevitable bankruptcies!



The majority of people cannot survive or raise a family were it not for the kickbacks from the state (whilst they pass vast amounts in tax).

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