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The Milton pub Milton Street just off the Moor

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Did any one use the Milton Pub Milton Street in the Sixty,s

It brings back memories for me because it was adopted by our gang of El Mambo regulars.

One memory i have is that the Landlord [Laurie] and landlady[Ann] had a black and white TV on the bar and that was unique in those days. I saw the very first episode of Coronation St in the Milton and remember the lasses on our team all going mad on the young Ken Barlow.

Another memory is the night of the Sheffield Gales and us lot were soon rigged up with the new clobber that was blowing about on the Moor lots of it had blown out of Burton's window and various other shops in the area.

The Milton was our favourite because the landlord and landlady did not ask to many questions as to our ages and were glad of our custom in a pub that was neglected at the time.

Some of our mobs names as i remember.Ann and Eileen Jackson, Malcolm Sargent,Jimmy Bradshaw,Charlie Hill, Graham Slinn,Mick Bond [bomber] Avril Coats,Derick Marriott,Joe and Carrol Hancock,Martin Pass and a lass we called gas lamp.Any more?

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Gas Lamp -was he a bout 6 ft 2"?Our goalie was called Gas Lamp,and our centre half was called Damp Lass(behind his back).I remember that the toilets stank there and some OAps kept their false teeth with a set of dominoes

There was an old bloke in the Milton who used to put his teeth in his pint when he went to the back, another bloke used to bring a pet monkey in and let it supp his beer.

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