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Gordon Brown Wasted Billions

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I know you weren't which is why I answered as I did.


The fact is that both the economic system and taxation are functions of the democratic systems we put in place.... the net benefecators by definition are the rich. Where they make that money through the system, rightly so.... but the question arises what are the correct levels of taxation, what are the correct regulations of industry and finance to benefit society... The answer to that is not to continue down the path of supply side economics trickle down effects when we know that economic system does not work, does not create jobs. Tax breaks for the rich are a poor return on the investment, direct spending on programmes for the unemployed to get them in to work, on education, on the infrastructures that support business have high returns.


I disagree every one benefits, the system allows poor people to become rich people by allowing them to start businesses and employ other people that benefit by choosing to work for that business. It benefits those people that choose not to work by giving them some of the wealth generated by others; it gives everyone an opportunity to become successful and every one the opportunity to decide on government policy.

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I disagree every one benefits, the system allows poor people to become rich people by allowing them to start businesses and employ other people that benefit by choosing to work for that business. It benefits those people that choose not to work by giving them some of the wealth generated by others; it gives everyone an opportunity to become successful and every one the opportunity to decide on government policy.



If everyone started their own business who are they going to employ?

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Clearly I did not say that. You should keep quiet, stop embarrassing yourself, and get back to your colouring-in.


So you're quite happy for people to eat babies, old people to be pushed off a cliff and all poor people thrown in jail? ;)

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OK then, the banks were around 48 hours from having no cash in the ATMs, what you have done, written an "I owe you?"


What type of responsible government would allow our society to moved to the edge of this sort of economic precipice?


The truth is our economy was built on the cheap credit that the banks provided, Brown couldn't shut off this cheap credit without shutting off the money that was growing out economy. He was trapped within a Faustian bargain of his own design with the markets.


And then to top this off he tried to run an election campaign during one of the biggest global financial crashes, surrounded by blind panic over sovereign debt by suggesting that he bribe electorate the run the country with an even bigger budget deficit.


Move on, look to the future and admit that Brown was a disaster for this country, half the Labour party understood this simple fact even before he was PM.

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I disagree every one benefits, the system allows poor people to become rich people by allowing them to start businesses and employ other people that benefit by choosing to work for that business. It benefits those people that choose not to work by giving them some of the wealth generated by others; it gives everyone an opportunity to become successful and every one the opportunity to decide on government policy.


Nothing of what you have said amounts to a disagreement with anything I have written.

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Or you could look at it another way, without the entrepreneurs starting businesses and employing people we would still be scavenging food from the land.


We need to realise that the go getters in life, The entrepreneurs that have the energy to start a business, And those who aren't like that type, Need each other equally.

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