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Blogger arrested for filming local council meeting..

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My point is, the ejection and arrest of this lady is completely against democracy and the rule of the land.



no it's not.


anyone disrupting any meeting in any way should be asked to stop doing so and if they persist be ejected.


councillors and anyone else for that matter have the perfect right to object to being filmed and ask anyone doing so to stop.

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no it's not.


anyone disrupting any meeting in any way should be asked to stop doing so and if they persist be ejected.


councillors and anyone else for that matter have the perfect right to object to being filmed and ask anyone doing so to stop.


Your wrong. Read the links.

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She should have been given the reason for not being allowed to film and the law that states it ! Or was she told that she couldn't and are we as people just expected to believe what we are told? We have rights and we are starting to realise this and challenging the system. The system that tries to control us. If there IS a law that catagorically states that she was breaking the law by filming then fair enough, but she has the right to know what law that is and not just be expected to believe what she is told as fact.

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It is NOT against the law to film in a public place, whether it be anything or even a Police Officer !


Even if they object to it. We are filmed all the time without our permission.

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