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Should all animals roam free?

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just a thought, now i have been watching lassie and black beauty today and have a few lumps in my throat


now, i have and always will believe that riding horses or using animals for profit gains is cruelty, as well as animal fighting and things of that nature


so in effect, other than needing animals and fish for meet to eat, we do not really need them to survive, so we should as a dignified and respectful race just release everything that is not human into the wild where they belong


that means all pets and farm yard creature including zoo and nature reserve creatures


they all should flee to where they belong, back to nature

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creatures of all kind would in the short term suffer yes, but that is because of centuries of human meddling and mollycoddling


but it would not take long for all species to acclimatise and adapt to their surrounding environments, after all it is what nature does best

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but it would not take long for all species to acclimatise and adapt to their surrounding environments, after all it is what nature does best

What are you basing that on? Animals released from zoos and nature reserves back to their natural environment wouldn't adapt to their surroundings, they'd die. Even with training animals that are captive bred are mainly only capable of living on a managed large reserves. You can't just release an animal and expect it to know what to do and how to survive.


Animals in zoos and nature reserves are also part of dedicated breeding programmes designed to ensure the survival of the species should they become extinct in the wild. Releasing them would be fairly short sited in that regard.


The fact that all these animals have been managed by people takes out the naturalness you're trying to restore. If this is a serious viewpoint you'd be better off putting every animal to sleep.

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No. You would constantly be having to fork out repairs for your car.


That assumes you'd be too dumb to start driving a bit slower and keeping your eyes peeled after the first few times.

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