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Ultra-Orthodox Jews campaign for dismantling of Israel

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There was an interesting report I saw on RT news yesterday


Watch or read on this link.



"The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East still shows little sign of reaching a peaceful resolution. But in New York, there is a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who believe an end to the state of Israel is the only solution"


"According to Neturei Karta, Israel and Zionism are in direct conflict with the Torah"

"[Arabs] have no problem with Jews. They can tolerate Jews and they can host Jews with the greatest respect. They do have a serious problem with occupation, which we happen to agree with,” Feldman says."


"Members of Neturei Karta have spoken several times with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who they call a peace-loving leader.


They have publicly praised Turkish officials and even traveled to the country last year, visiting injured activists after the Israeli raid on the Gaza flotilla."



Makes a refreshing change.

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Neturei Karta are a nutjob, wacko sect that numbers only a few thousand adherents worldwide. Plus, they're not really opposed to Zionism, because they only believe Israel is a bad thing because the Messiah hasn't arrived yet. When he does, the idea of Israel, and Zionism, is fine. Their objection to Israel as a state isn't anything political, or anything to do with what Israel or Israeli politicians have done - its a totally religous objection.

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Neturei Karta are a nutjob, wacko sect that numbers only a few thousand adherents worldwide. Plus, they're not really opposed to Zionism, because they only believe Israel is a bad thing because the Messiah hasn't arrived yet. When he does, the idea of Israel, and Zionism, is fine. Their objection to Israel as a state isn't anything political, or anything to do with what Israel or Israeli politicians have done - its a totally religous objection.


right ! any one not agreeing with murderous occupation is a self hating jew , on the fridges!


here is another wako jew talking about peace!


"Albert Einstein—"'I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish State. Apart from practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish State, with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain'...

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There was an interesting report I saw on RT news yesterday


Watch or read on this link.



"The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East still shows little sign of reaching a peaceful resolution. But in New York, there is a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who believe an end to the state of Israel is the only solution"


"According to Neturei Karta, Israel and Zionism are in direct conflict with the Torah"

"[Arabs] have no problem with Jews. They can tolerate Jews and they can host Jews with the greatest respect. They do have a serious problem with occupation, which we happen to agree with,” Feldman says."


"Members of Neturei Karta have spoken several times with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who they call a peace-loving leader.


They have publicly praised Turkish officials and even traveled to the country last year, visiting injured activists after the Israeli raid on the Gaza flotilla."



Makes a refreshing change.




JEWS have been living in Jeruselum peacefully for thousands of years!


the influx of Europeans and Russians which have colonized the area is the source of all problems , namely due to thier persecution of the locals!

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oh no. I can't believe they're trying to claim that Einstein was opposed to Zionism as well, as if Einstein is anything like the Neuterei Karta nutjobs. They've really 'studied' the out-of-context and forged quotes on the racist websites on the internet.


make no mistake here. This lot just hate Jews. These original posters, who are posting several topics on this forum every day, are racist antisemites, period. If there were anti-black African topics like this springing up all the time, the mods would just zap them.


like I've said before, do the Leeds, London, Birmingham, Leicester, etc forums get these sort of posters?

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oh no. I can't believe they're trying to claim that Einstein was opposed to Zionism as well, as if Einstein is anything like the Neuterei Karta nutjobs. They've really 'studied' the out-of-context and forged quotes on the racist websites on the internet.


make no mistake here. This lot just hate Jews. These original posters, who are posting several topics on this forum every day, are racist antisemites, period. If there were anti-black African topics like this springing up all the time, the mods would just zap them.


like I've said before, do the Leeds, London, Birmingham, Leicester, etc forums get these sort of posters?


right quite typical response,


i quote the greatest mind that lived on planet earth


and you call me




anti -semetic!








your a anti semetic if you quote famous jews


and if you are a jew and you are against the states policy your a nut job, ( i have also heard the term self hating jews )

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oh no. I can't believe they're trying to claim that Einstein was opposed to Zionism as well, as if Einstein is anything like the Neuterei Karta nutjobs. They've really 'studied' the out-of-context and forged quotes on the racist websites on the internet.


Please watch


Dr. Norman Finkelstein some on here will call him a self hating jew!


others who hear him will call him a serious peace activists who




dr Norman Finkelstein - Hezbollah, the Honour of Lebanon





Dr. Norman Finkelstein responds to the "Self hating Jew" accusation



CrossTalk: Who Hates Jews (ft. Norman Finkelstein)



why do we need to leave it to the Russians to discuss the real Issues in the Middle east?

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you (or rather your racist source) misquoted Einstein. You know nothing about Einstein's complicated shifting attitude towards Zionism and Israel, that took place over many decades. There were many secular European Jews like Einstein. 75% of them, who unlike Einstein couldn't get out of there, were murdered by racist hatist thugs like you in Nazi occupied Europe. Those that lived got to see Israel born again.


nearly all of them were very pleased. I can assure you of that. And that includes Einstein.

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oh no. I can't believe they're trying to claim that Einstein was opposed to Zionism as well, as if Einstein is anything like the Neuterei Karta nutjobs. They've really 'studied' the out-of-context and forged quotes on the racist websites on the internet.


Surely a man who thought of nationalism as 'an infantile disease' would not have been a zionist? That doesn't seem to make much sense.

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