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Everlasting friendship (do they exist)..

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I believe everyone has a "best" friend, who they know for the rest of their lives. This is usually someone with the same humour and taste as yourself, that is why you get on so well.


Weird you would say that because the other day I was talking to an old friend Katie. And we was swapping pics of families and our homes on the phone app live profile.


We swapped pictures of our living rooms and we have more or less same fires, and decorated rooms very similer with wall stickers ect ect

We was laughing even though we aint seen each other in 2 yr we still have same ideas and tastes in things lol

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I have three friends all of whom I class as close and very good friends and who I know I could turn to in times of trouble. One friend I have known for 43 years; another for 42 years and the third for 41 years.


As I live a few hundreds miles away from my friends I don't see any of them as much as I would like but regularly keep in touch with all three of them and whenever we meet up its as if we have never been apart. That to me is true friendship.

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My friend Sheila was the new girl at work when it was my 16th Birthday so I invited her along to a "Coffee Bar Crawl" that afternoon.

We became firm friends and have stayed so ever since despite me moving away from Sheffield. We converse on FB and by email and I know if I suddenly turned up on her doorstep, we would carry on as if it was only yesterday that I last saw her.

There is just about 3 weeks when we are the same age and after then I become a year older.

53 years now.......not bad going is it? :thumbsup:

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I am still good friends with quite a few people I have known since I was in infant school and I have friends who used to live next door whose parents moved in a few months after us in 1955. I was four at the time as was one of the next doors children. They also had a daughter two years older and we grew up together. She and her partner and their children live nearby and I am still good friends with her and know I could turn to her in time of trouble. As I could with other members of the family. We've shared good times and bad through the years but true friends though it all. 56 years.

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I've got an invisible friend ... he goes everywhere with me. :)


Its only a half hearted friendship then, because if he goes every where with you I assume he has seen parts of you others have not!!!!!! :o:suspect:

But you obviously have not seen all of him because his invisible.:P

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