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Everlasting friendship (do they exist)..

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I have a few friends from my early school days and although we don't see each other week in week out - when we do get in touch its as though we have never been apart and I love that about us. I am not the kinda person that likes to live in each others pockets all the time - I like my space and their friendship means the world to me.


My best friend I actually work with so there is no escaping her. But it does actually work quite well. We are the kinda friends that can share the most intimate things but know it wont go any further.

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my best friend and i met aged 3 years old at nursery school , we are now almost 50 and still friends 47 years on ....never argued or fallen out ever...been thru thick and thin together. now thats a friendship


I think a friendship needs a little fallout to test it-its the reconciliation that proves the friendship.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think a friendship needs a little fallout to test it-its the reconciliation that proves the friendship.


i dont agree....after all we havent argued ever!! and look at our friendship! it has love ,understanding and respect....why would we fall out? when you say a little fall out, it would have to be a trivial one then so what would be the point..and! a good friendship wouldnt fall out over trivial things :)

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I have had one for.....well, this summer will be our twentieth anniversary. Never known someone as well as I do this guy, and vice versa. So much so, that we sometimes forget we are different people. Trouble is, the male/female thing always comes in to the play in the later years, and I have had to break his heart on a couple of occasions to the point where he walked out of my life for two very, very long and heartbreaking times. The last one being five years. I thought about him every day.


Magically, he reappeared out of nowhere this year, and our friendship has bloomed again. Unfortunately, we recently had a turbulent time of it because, well, I pretty much broke his heart again. Not intentionally, I just always see him as a friend. Now, I am wondering what to do. Never has a man loved me for being me for so long. Constantly. He would do anything and everything for me. I love being with him, but for some reason, I am quite 'withdrawn', which I think these days is due to recent experiences with my ex. Am undecided as to whether to give it a go.


He always says that he is my 'Duckie', to his 'Andie' (Pretty in Pink), and that he is the husband I will never have. Isn't it weird when someone loves you so much, and you can not for the life of you work out what is missing on your own side of things. I wish I knew. I surely do!!!

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