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Syria bombing coming soon..

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Mmm I take it the US will be tackling Iran on its own, & theres nothing like rattling the cage of some bewildered dictator such Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & his nuclear toys?


I do feel as a country we are being conned by our political representatives both at home and in those of the US. There’s never any mention of the unrest in Bahrain; why well Bahrain is good allies with Saudi Arabia, the US cannot afford to upset the Saudis. As America has said on numerous occasions the Bahrain unrest is purely a domestic issue; yet the situation is exactly the same as in Syria & Libya.


Unlike Syria & Bahrain, Libya has numerous enemies within the Arab states, however Libya stance against the bombing campaign is causing serious problems for the US & UK, we cannot afford to place troops on the ground unless of course we want to lose support from the already wobbling Arab League.


I’d also like to point out the only country benefitting from the conflicts within the Arab states is the US, armaments sales within the US must be going through the roof, not only are they supplying the rebels, but countries such as the UK are spending millions per week replenishing missiles already fired in Libya, wasn’t it a senator many years ago said, there’s nothing like a war or conflict to improve the US economy?



So the UK and France aren't profiting either? Replacement parts for fighters and choppers, missiles, bombs etc


This whole war against Libya was Britain and France's idea backed by the UN and the Arab League. Sad to say Obama decided to get involved when he should have stayed out of it but NATO obligations made that decsiion for him.


In a speech two days ago outgoing US secretary of defence Gates had some strong words to say about the NATO alliance. In it he mentioned that out of the 28 NATO nations only a third were participants in Afgahnistan. Spain has 1500 troop in Afgahistan but they have orders to fire only in self defence and are not allowed to patrol during darkness.

The US is also contributing 75 percent to NATO costs


I think it's time the US started to pull out of that so called alliance.

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Syria will be getting the Libya treatment by November.


Anyone else agree?


Just a shame that places like the Congo and such are left to rot, even though their situation has been lingering for much longer.


The world sickens me, I can't work out what feeds evil more, is it money or religion?



Did your contacts in the FA give you this information? :hihi:


If Syria isn't bombed by Xmas I'll retire from Sheffield Forum.


Going to remember that one fella. Not that it won't stop you making another nonsense account anyway :roll:

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The whole Arab war including the possibility of attacking Syria & Iran has long been planned before the recent uprising in these countries, the wars within these regions serve one purpose; that is for the US to maintain control of the petrodollar & ensure financial prosperity. All the invasions & possible invasions all have one common similarity, Iraq, was considering dropping the US dollar in favour for the Petro-Euro, same goes for Libya. Syria & Iran are also considering dropping the dollar, this in turn would cause the collapse of the US economy, making the great depression look like a tea party.


As for the US & NATO; the 75% they provide is peanuts compared to what they gain in control of other nation’s natural resources, resources in which other countries have unwittingly aided in them acquiring, many who now recognise the US agenda, I just wish the UK would wake up to this fact.


Here's a good (I think non-biased) link, may be bit old but explains it quite well



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Wake up, smell the lack of oil, Libya has the cleanest, and at $2 a barrel to extract is the cheapest in the world, so undercut OPEC, and we want it.


Syria has nothing to offer us so they can kill each other and we will huff and puff and do bugger all. All aid from the UK has a price tag, nothiung is given away free, just appears free.


THey say the NHS is free, but we pay for it through taxes, its the banks that see it as more free money, hence the privatisation grab.


Watch the Syrian government lie and lie about the armed protesters, we would not arm them or send in advisors, no OIL. So its Ok for the Syrian government to kill as many as they like, using their citizens for target practice, NO oil!!!!

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Bomb them and liberate the people and do unto the guys who tortured the young lad. End of. Its not about religion or oil. Time to act and while we are at it give Iran a poke.




please go and inlist in the IDF!



lets see how many times has iran attacked any one over the last hundreds of years?

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The whole Arab war including the possibility of attacking Syria & Iran has long been planned before the recent uprising in these countries, the wars within these regions serve one purpose; that is for the US to maintain control of the petrodollar & ensure financial prosperity. All the invasions & possible invasions all have one common similarity, Iraq, was considering dropping the US dollar in favour for the Petro-Euro, same goes for Libya. Syria & Iran are also considering dropping the dollar, this in turn would cause the collapse of the US economy, making the great depression look like a tea party.


As for the US & NATO; the 75% they provide is peanuts compared to what they gain in control of other nation’s natural resources, resources in which other countries have unwittingly aided in them acquiring, many who now recognise the US agenda, I just wish the UK would wake up to this fact.Here's a good (I think non-biased) link, may be bit old but explains it quite well





So if you wake up one morning and find that all transportation has come to a halt and there's no petrol at your local staion you'll be inwardly at peace and full of joy knowing that the wicked US, the UK and the rest of the world has ceased to acquire/rob/steal the natural resources from other countries.


You need a reality check mate. Arab countries have made billions and billions from oil exports. If that wealth has not been passed down to the Arab in the street dont blame the west. The problem lies within the middle east itself.

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please go and inlist in the IDF!



lets see how many times has iran attacked any one over the last hundreds of years?



Obviously they havent since they learned a hard lesson what real war is like as recently as the war with Iraq.

However they wage war the sneaky way by arming and funding Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaeda their policy being that any group that has declared a war of terror against the west must be a friend of theirs.


Do you have a problem understanding any of this?

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Syria will be getting the Libya treatment by November.


Anyone else agree?


Just a shame that places like the Congo and such are left to rot, even though their situation has been lingering for much longer.


The world sickens me, I can't work out what feeds evil more, is it money or religion?


Money is the route (or is it root) of all evil, the trouble is most religions have taken the route.

Look at all the wealth the Vatican and christian church etc has, when people are starving and in poverty.

Would God or Christ be happy with that ?


I doubt it.

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So if you wake up one morning and find that all transportation has come to a halt and there's no petrol at your local staion you'll be inwardly at peace and full of joy knowing that the wicked US, the UK and the rest of the world has ceased to acquire/rob/steal the natural resources from other countries.


You need a reality check mate. Arab countries have made billions and billions from oil exports. If that wealth has not been passed down to the Arab in the street dont blame the west. The problem lies within the middle east itself.


First of all I don’t consider the US/UK or any other country as being wicked, in respect to the US I personally from experience have found many of the Americans I’ve met as being friendly, hospitable & extremely good fun to be around.


The problems I have are the politicians, their policies alongside these & probably the worst of all are the financial elite those behind the scenes of governments, the unelected power freaks who affect policies. I don’t have issues about engaging in conflicts or wars if the reasons are justified, but as recent history has shown we continue to be lied to, were constantly made aware; after the event, how governments have behind the scenes actively promoted rebels to rise & challenge their governments, in the rebels eyes for freedom from a dictator, yet in reality it’s to ensure governments such as the US can maintain financial control/gain.


How many years was Saddam supported by western countries, who turned a blind eye to his atrocities, yet when he fell out with the US, invaded Kuwait but worse of all entered into negotiations to convert trading of the petrodollar to Euro; he’s all of a sudden all evil, remember the weapons of mass destruction, now proven to have been made up, do you honestly believe the American public have would condoned the indiscriminate bombing (shock & awe)if they knew it was about control of natural resources & financial gain for the elite, how many innocent civilians as well as US/UK soldiers have lost their lives for a lie.

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