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Your taxes are saving lives. Do you agree?

Do you want us to help save the lives of third world children?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want us to help save the lives of third world children?

    • No, charity should begin at home.
    • Yes, we're all in this together.

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It's a scam to make massive profits for the Drugs industry and keep us useless eaters in our place.(skint)

I wouldn't mind but how much taxes do we spend on killing people and pillaging other countries to benefit nobody but the already disgustingly rich.

The kind you see hanging out at the Bilderberg group perhaps ?


I do agree that spending the money on clean water and sewers would probably do just as much good!

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There are so many people in our own country who need helping. As someone pointed out, people with cancer are being denied life-saving treatment because the country "cannot afford it". If we can't afford to save our own, then how can we afford to save other countries?

There are children living in poverty in our own backyard, but the government would rather spend millions of pounds on giving foreign children a "better chance of life".


No there aren't. Really, compared to other places where young children sit making mud bricks surrounded by effluent and farm animals, there really aren't.


We can afford to help our own children and foreign children, it's not a choice between one or the other.

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you are comparing a very expensive treatment that would save one life, to very cheap treatments that would save thousands. The maths is easy!


So we give millions in aid to foreign countries and ignore the people that need expensive treatment in this country, is that what you are saying? I am not saying you are saying that I am just asking. The people that need the treatment in this country have paid into a system and that system is failing them.

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So we give millions in aid to foreign countries and ignore the people that need expensive treatment in this country, is that what you are saying? I am not saying you are saying that I am just asking. The people that need the treatment in this country have paid into a system and that system is failing them.


We don't ignore people in this country that need treatment we just don't have an endless pot of money for the NHS. You want to deny thousands of children a vaccine for a few pence in favour of one person getting a treatment for thousands of pounds. That makes no sense!


We are also helping ourselves by giving aid to poorer countries don't forget there are selfish reasons for us doing this...in case that makes it more acceptable:roll:

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No there aren't. Really, compared to other places where young children sit making mud bricks surrounded by effluent and farm animals, there really aren't.


We can afford to help our own children and foreign children, it's not a choice between one or the other.


or children that live on rubbish tips salvaging bits of metal from our waste whilst getting poisoned by our waste. I think we probably owe them vaccines and clean water etc.

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