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Cameron wants to bring back fox hunting

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That's only sampling those who read the forum though which is probably going to be biased towards urban dwellers I suspect.


Although I think there would be a majority against it 80% does seem a little high.


80% of Sheffielders disagree with Cameron. That could be related to anything. If it was indeed 80% country then I'd be listening to it!


Never said it was an official poll. It just proved the 80% against to not necessarily be true.

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Cameron has pledged yet again that he wants to bring back fox hunting. This, despite the fact that 80 % of the country are against it. Please support Tories against Fox hunting.



How dare one of our democratically elected representatives promise to give a democratic free vote to the rest of our democratically elected representatives. :rant:

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If a poll was taken from those of us who actualy live in the Countryside, not in a city then the polls would give a different result. I believe the "official poll" is around 50/50 anyway. As an ex chicken keeper, Charlie can be more than a pest, more like a killing machine. They will kill 20 for the "fun" of it only to take 1 away. That's fact, not propaganda. They are not the cudlley things you see on telly, more like a giant size rat.





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Cameron has pledged yet again that he wants to bring back fox hunting. This, despite the fact that 80 % of the country are against it. Please support Tories against Fox hunting.




good old davey boy....and catch the one that had our guinea pigs away...tell the men in red coats..there are loads on our estate....sheffield 12....welcomes you...

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