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Cameron wants to bring back fox hunting

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That's not a similarity between them that is a similarity in some people's attitude towards them.


And it's only when they interact with mankind that people have an attitude.


Or are chickens like tiny feathered tuna fish because both are edible and delicious?


No reply from anyone regarding the idea that foxes kill for "fun" - as one fox seems to have said.

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If hunting with dogs was a working class activity this thread wouldn't even exist, we are beset with hypocrites.


tell that to the lads in north east derbyshire....they hunt with dogs every weekend...and the odd shotgun....rabbit stew anyone....

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dont knock it until you tried it;) its a great day out for all the family,nature, fresh air, horseriding and a few drinks....


I have never tried it, I can see how you would go for the fresh air, horse riding and all the rest of it but chasing a small animal until the poor thing just can't run any more just to get excited about watching the poor thing getting torn to pieces strikes me as being a little sick.

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We still permit fishing.


Because that of course doesn't involve cruelty at all. Does it? After all anglers don't dress in red jackets.


I believe they are 'pink', as the shibboleth goes.


The human empathy quotient for fish is much lower than with mammals.


And of course without fishing, our waterways would be a mess.


If foxes were in fact apes, would everyone be so sanguine about killing them - of course not.


It's a continuum.


Foxes have two forward facing eyes, and show quite a degree of intelligence (even the best defended chicken coops can be cracked by a cunning fox) so our empathy for them is generally greater than say, slime molds or lampreys ,but less than apes and lemurs.

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Fox hunting is cruel and repulsive. It is carried out by cowardly nincompoops who pretend that it a means of pest control. It is merely a means by which blood thirsty idiots enjoy the prolonged and inhumane killing of a defenceless animal.

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