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Cameron wants to bring back fox hunting

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It depends who you ask doesn't it? Judging by the number of little thuggish tory bully boys on these forums it's only to be expected and is hardly a cross representation of public views. Why not ask the general public in Sheffield City Centre?


But on another thread you said the general public is "too thick to think for themselves". Make your mind up love.

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Shouldn't be either IMO, the term "Braindead" is considered offensive to the mentally disabled...

But the mentally disabled are not braindead they do have brain activity,Iv never heard that particular word said as a insult to the disabled, as far as I can gather brain dead is the process when life ceases to exist in the human body and nothing at all to do with being mentally disabled.

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But the mentally disabled are not braindead they do have brain activity,Iv never heard that particular word said as a insult to the disabled, as far as I can gather brain dead is the process when life ceases to exist in the human body and nothing at all to do with being mentally disabled.


But as Cameron has not only a degree but also a masters it would suggest that the OP is an amoeba.

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Fox hunting is cruel and repulsive. It is carried out by cowardly nincompoops who pretend that it a means of pest control. It is merely a means by which blood thirsty idiots enjoy the prolonged and inhumane killing of a defenceless animal.


Before the fox is dead its tail is cut off and the blood smeared on children's faces. No one could deny this is child abuse.


We have a useless Prime Minister who attacks the poor, the disabled and the elderly. Enjoys seeing animals suffer and is a child abuser.


What a disaster as a human being Cameron is.


Apparently there is now a minister for hunting and shooting. Wonder how much he is being paid...out of our taxes.


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