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Cameron wants to bring back fox hunting

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Lies, damned lies and then there are statistics.






A letter from the Tory Daily Mail


John from Guildford This has nothing to do with class warfare from the majority of anti's. This is a myth constantly portrayed by hunters. Neither does it have anything to do with town versus country another ridiculous cry from the pro lobby. (I know many anti's who live in the country and there's a farmers group who oppose fox hunting). This is often casued by the total lack of regard hunting communities show to peoples land, and the 'accidents' that occur when hounds come across a much loved domestic pet.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1279562/Tories-plan-scrap-foxhunting-ban--Lib-Dems-facing-split-free-vote.html#ixzz1PHBpEhkw

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Regarding the cruelty in fox hunting, Charlie has a chance of escape, more than some domestic animals which some of our friends demand have their throat slit while still fully alive and conscious, then are left to bleed to death before getting to the dinner table. I know which fate I would take.


What do the Charlie protectors think of this hideous practice. I don't see them bleating on about it.





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Regarding the cruelty in fox hunting, Charlie has a chance of escape, more than some domestic animals which some of our friends demand have their throat slit while still fully alive and conscious, then are left to bleed to death before getting to the dinner table. I know which fate I would take.


What do the Charlie protectors think of this hideous practice. I don't see them bleating on about it.






Why do you think animal rights campaigners only campaign on one issue at a time? If you did any sort of research into campaigning you will find that many of those who oppose fox hunting also oppose factory farming and the inhumane methods employed in abattoirs.

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Cameron has pledged yet again that he wants to bring back fox hunting. This, despite the fact that 80 % of the country are against it. Please support Tories against Fox hunting.



It's time to bring the OP back into line.


Where has Cameron said this that is claimed in the OP and the thread title?

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Cameron has said many times that he wants to bring back torturing foxes for fun. But most of the newer younger Tories are against it, realising that such barbarity belongs to a time when we knew no better.


Eaton bully boys like Cameron think that their opinions are more important than all other opinions. Don't let the smart suit fool you Cameron is a very dangerous man.



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Before the fox is dead its tail is cut off and the blood smeared on children's faces. No one could deny this is child abuse.


We have a useless Prime Minister who attacks the poor, the disabled and the elderly. Enjoys seeing animals suffer and is a child abuser.


What a disaster as a human being Cameron is.


Apparently there is now a minister for hunting and shooting. Wonder how much he is being paid...out of our taxes.



Calling the PM a child abuser, you've a warped sense of what things are :loopy:


The smearing of fox blood on childrens faces sounds interesting - any links?

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Calling the PM a child abuser, you've a warped sense of what things are :loopy:


The smearing of fox blood on childrens faces sounds interesting - any links?


It does happen in some of the more... shall we say enthusuastic hunts. This is one reason I'd never go on a live fox hunt - drag hunts or a man hunt however is a different kettle of fish and quite good fun on a fine afternoon.

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It does happen in some of the more... shall we say enthusuastic hunts. This is one reason I'd never go on a live fox hunt - drag hunts or a man hunt however is a different kettle of fish and quite good fun on a fine afternoon.


Do they use the stump of the tail or do they paint it on with fingers like war paint?

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