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US Citizen Accused Of Being Israeli Spy

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So Mecky pointing fingers at others while murdering and subverting to deflect attention to others is an infantile game. Grow up and accept reality for what it is and not what you want others to think it is!


Reality is coming soon ... and you're not goinig to like it

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as Harleyman points out, Israel had no motive to destablise the Mubarak's regime - though he didn't sign the peace accord with Israel - it was his predessessor Sadat. Also Jordan signed a similar peace accord with the Israelis in 1994.


Maybe Mubarak had outlived his usefulness ? - maybe he was about to break past agreements ? - maybe he had some 'info' that the Zionists didn't want the world to know about ?

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He probably had a British passport too :cool:








Hardly a surprise from certain Israeli terrorists.


were did you other thread go?


i did ask you can you tell me who said the following quote:


"lets burn and kill arabs?




any way


mossad spies in usa? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyy


didnt the usa find the largest ever spy ring operating on usa soil after 9/11?


you bet your ass they did!

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Why would the Mossad have any ambitions to cause the downfallof Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak was the only Arab leader to sign a peace accord with Israel and the two countries existed in peace for decades after.


Your post is **** eyed and makes no sense whatsoever


i must agree with the weirdo here on this,


however i dont think mubarak has left power!


im sure he and the milltary elite are still pulling the stings!


dont forget no on has answered too the 900 murdered egyptions


hundreds still in jails!!

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He probably had a British passport too :cool:








Hardly a surprise from certain Israeli terrorists.


Lol that is so funny. I doubt any Jew would have been near Tarir Square during the protests for fear of being lynched. The 'reformers' that sexually assaulted the US TV presenter in Tarir Square chanted "Jew! Jew!" when it happened.


Didn't Egypt also accuse Mossad of being responsible for letting loose a killer shark that attacked people off Sharm-el-Sheik? That's the mentality.

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You really dislike Jews do you not ?


No I don't; just the Zionists (who are against Judaism). And remember, Zionist terrorists come in all shapes and sizes, from any faiths (including certain Christian sects).


Ill pray for your soul my friend :)

Peace and love to you.


Thank you for the gesture :)

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Ill pray for your soul my friend :)

Peace and love to you.


That is crazy to think that if your against the EVIL agenda of Zionism your against the reglion of Judasim..


Zionism is against the real teachings of Judaism! Zionism has hijacked your faith from it being a spiritual humble to it now being secular , materialistic.


Zionism has been a agenda used by the rich and powerful ( not all of whom have been Jewish or even religious ) the agenda has been around for hundreds of years )


Zionism and Judaism have nothing in common!


if they do please let me know..


peace bother,,, :-)

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Maybe Mubarak had outlived his usefulness ? - maybe he was about to break past agreements ? - maybe he had some 'info' that the Zionists didn't want the world to know about ?



Lots of "maybe's" there. If the Israelis were afraid of any damning info why didn't they assassinate him? after all he would still hold that information.

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