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US Citizen Accused Of Being Israeli Spy

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Who points to them? Are you saying they are the only anti-Zionist Jews in Israel?


pretty much so, yes. At least 90%. Even the leftist Peace Now crowd aren't anti-Zionist in the sense they want to see Israel dismantled.

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Maybe Mubarak had outlived his usefulness ? - maybe he was about to break past agreements ? - maybe he had some 'info' that the Zionists didn't want the world to know about ?


CXC3000 I've read most of your posts and you appear to think of something like your quote above and then move it into the realm of reality and run with your assumption, Fact and logical thought leading to a conclusion that others can see as logical seem to be beyond your scope.. you have moth like leaps around a light bulb and it becomes hard to follow your train of thought because it jumps off topic,...maybe there is no train of thought but just a blind hatred of Jews and whatever venom you can spit out?...it's a shame because discussion makes all of us see the others point of view....it opens doors into others thoughts.....most of us don't have a problem with discussion

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They have only learned to use state of the art War Gunships and Armoured Vehicles against poor civilians with the aid of the States.Occupying their neighbours lands and creating conflict in the Middle East ,leaving nearly 7 million refugees in the world and the list goes on and on...nothing wrong with that is it..:loopy:

What an uninformed poster, the war mongering Arabs who surround israel were armed with far more munitions by the iron curtain countries than the israelis ever received.

The israelis even had the gorm to repair captured/cowardly abandoned equipment that the Arabs left when they ran from the battlefield as usual.

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they've learned to be good at defending themselves and their homeland. Where is the fault in that?

Because the Arabs can't fight man to man they rely on sneaky attacks like Yom Kippur/suicide bombers/random missiles into civillians towns/human shields etc.

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Maybe Mubarak had outlived his usefulness ? - maybe he was about to break past agreements ? - maybe he had some 'info' that the Zionists didn't want the world to know about ?


CXC3000 I've read most of your posts and you appear to think of something like your quote above and then move it into the realm of reality and run with your assumption, Fact and logical thought leading to a conclusion that others can see as logical seem to be beyond your scope.. you have moth like leaps around a light bulb and it becomes hard to follow your train of thought because it jumps off topic,...maybe there is no train of thought but just a blind hatred of Jews and whatever venom you can spit out?...it's a shame because discussion makes all of us see the others point of view....it opens doors into others thoughts.....most of us don't have a problem with discussion


What an idiotic post, with disgraceful allegations, slurs, and slander.

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