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US Citizen Accused Of Being Israeli Spy

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Only to supporters of the Israeli terrorist regime. They'll do all they can to make sure the murderous acts of Tel Aviv aren't exposed.

Why aren't you bleating about what is going on in Syria, over one thousand Arabs killed recently by arabs?

far more Arabs have been killed by Arabs than Arab terrorists killed by the gallant isrealis.

You obviously think that if an Arab Kills an innocent civillian it is ok but when an israeli justfiably kills an Arab terrorist you squeal like a stuck pig.

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If the word jew was replaced with Muslim this thread would have been closed by now.


Where the hell is Melthebell? :suspect:

I made a genuine lighthearted joke about Arabs running out of oil and ending up back on donkeys and got a 3 day ban, yet the Israelisphobes/westernerphobes can say what they want racist about israel and nothing is done.

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Why aren't you bleating about what is going on in Syria, over one thousand Arabs killed recently by arabs?


We know exactly the nature of the vile Syrian regime. As mentioned on numerous occasions, Israel is an apparent democracy; it's held to a much higher standard than the countries around it.


I made a genuine lighthearted joke about Arabs running out of oil and ending up back on donkeys and got a 3 day ban, yet the Israelisphobes/westernerphobes can say what they want racist about israel and nothing is done.


If you see anything 'racist' about Israel's acts of terrorism, then please point it out.


Thank you.

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CXC3000 you obviously live in another country...I looked through your postings (all of them hate the Jews posts) and the times that you are online.....why did you pick Sheffield or do you do post this type of hatred on any forum that you can find?


It's a pity that you cannot bring down your hated to a comfortable level to have a discussion because that's how forums work. One person has an opinion or raises a question and the other then answers it.. your anger is tangible and I find that if someone has lost their moral right in a discussion then they usually resort to childish name calling and refuse to answer anything where they can be seen as wrong. If all the Jews were dead where would your anger go then? "the people of the book"(Christians maybe)? Friday first, Sunday second is a term that's used freely by the fanatics

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CXC3000 you obviously live in another country...I looked through your postings (all of them hate the Jews posts) and the times that you are online.....why did you pick Sheffield or do you do post this type of hatred on any forum that you can find?


It's a pity that you cannot bring down your hated to a comfortable level to have a discussion because that's how forums work. One person has an opinion or raises a question and the other then answers it.. your anger is tangible and I find that if someone has lost their moral right in a discussion then they usually resort to childish name calling and refuse to answer anything where they can be seen as wrong. If all the Jews were dead where would your anger go then? "the people of the book"(Christians maybe)? Friday first, Sunday second is a term that's used freely by the fanatics


Google CXC3000 and you will know.

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I made a genuine lighthearted joke about Arabs running out of oil and ending up back on donkeys and got a 3 day ban, yet the Israelisphobes/westernerphobes can say what they want racist about israel and nothing is done.


Obviously you made jokes that only you find funny,so this should give you a hint that you are not welcomed with your racist views, and every time you post something you prove time after time how stupid and racist you are ... must be very hard being you drummer boy..

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What an uninformed poster, the war mongering Arabs who surround israel were armed with far more munitions by the iron curtain countries than the israelis ever received.

The israelis even had the gorm to repair captured/cowardly abandoned equipment that the Arabs left when they ran from the battlefield as usual.


Oh so you came out from your hole after 3 days sunk in,I bet you are on another user name that post the same crap you spout everytime.. again Israel can do **** without the backing if the west ,and if they are so of a Macho state,how can you describe they met underground while carrying on "turning point 5 " ... yeah very strong using .50 calibs and f16 and tanks against civilians...very brave indeed.. :loopy:

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I made a genuine lighthearted joke about Arabs running out of oil and ending up back on donkeys and got a 3 day ban, yet the Israelisphobes/westernerphobes can say what they want racist about israel and nothing is done.


You probably haven't made a genuine statement in your life. It wasn't genuine, it wasn't light-hearted, and most certainly wasn't humour, you're actually incapable of that. Your "donkey" rubbish is a constant theme in your posts, nothing new and certainly nothing dynamic. You insult the majority for the actions of a minority, why? Because you're racist and that is most likely your reason for the recent holiday.


I hate Israeli thugs in the same way I hate any thug, doesn't mean I hate Israelis in general. You on the other hand don't have that capability, you just get out your big brush and paint with long sweeping uncontrolled strokes, screaming mummy, which is reminiscent of a child in a high-chair when run out of paint..

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I made a genuine lighthearted joke about Arabs running out of oil and ending up back on donkeys and got a 3 day ban, yet the Israelisphobes/westernerphobes can say what they want racist about israel and nothing is done.


Contact the helpdesk. Using the thread as an excuse to repeat what you believe you were banned for is liable to get you another ban. If you think the forum is bias towards you you have the choice to move on.

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