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Thrown out of Wetherspoons


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My friends once got asked to leave a wetherspoons pub for the very same reason.


Instant refusal would be fine but, like in your case, we had had drinks and food orders accepted by the bar without any call for ID, they took our money happily aswell.

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Best thing to do is take it on the chin, mate.


It's a shame because you were clearly well-behaved and not intent on causing any trouble. You also - I presume - left the premises without any altercation. It happens to us all; forget it, move on.


Plenty of other and (IMHO) better pubs to visit. If senior management had cause to believe any of you were under age (or couldn't prove to be over the legal age) then that's only them protecting themselves (don't forget the sue-your-neighbour climate we live in).


It nags you that you've been chucked out of a pub and quite rightly. Truth is, there's nothing to be 'nagged' about. You did nothing wrong.


Happy boozin'.

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Originally posted by Ousetunes

Plenty of other and (IMHO) better pubs to visit. If senior management had cause to believe any of you were under age (or couldn't prove to be over the legal age) then that's only them protecting themselves (don't forget the sue-your-neighbour climate we live in).


It's sad but true. One of our forum members lost his livleyhood when he was caught serving someone under age. Not nice, and you can't blame the pub for being careful.


Photocard provisional driving licence isn't that hard to get, or very expensive.

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The first time I was served alcohol in a pub I was 12, and I was thrown off a bus at 13 for trying to pay child's fare (even though I had my birth certificate with me). On the other hand, one of my friends who's older than me was turned away from buying a 15 certificate DVD for a present a couple of years ago. She was 33 at the time.


Just trying to say that the whole licensing issue is a nightmare from the publican's point of view, and without mandatory ID it's virtually impossible to guarantee that you don't sell to minors. I didn't look like your average 12 year old (I was nearly 6ft tall, for a start) but I don't know many 16 or 17 year olds that look totally different as soon as they hit 18 either.


There's no law which states that pub managment HAVE to serve anybody, but there's loads of legislation in the other direction, so any pub manager who wants to keep their job needs to be very careful about these things.


I agree that this case could probably have been handled better so might warrant a complaint, but since both the licensing laws and the profit margin are the manager's responsibility, they are bound to fail one by obeying the other at some point.

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Originally posted by SlinkyMinky

Here's a tip, hit the managers in the pocket. I used to work for Wetherspoons as a manager.


You say you are an ex manager, is that because your bonuses were rubbish due to so many complaints?


Anyways, I whole heartedly agree with the stance of the manaqeress in this situation. As such a large company, any bad publicity with regards to underage drinking in Wetherspoons reflects badly on the whole estate.


Also in Sheffield, the majority of the pubs have signed up to the challenge 21 initiative which asks that all persons who look under 21 have to provide suitable ID to prove that they are over 18, and as it is possible to attend university at 16, then student cards are not considered as valid ID. Even worse is the fact that Hallam cards do not even have a date of birth on them.


Wetherspoons , as a company, are looking into ways of liasing with the universities, and getting them to produce a form of ID that is not easily forged, and can show the actual date of birth. They also promote the use of Prove-it cards in all of there establishments.

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