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Hidden inflation - The Tory stealth tax on the poor

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Forgive me if I’m not thinking so far ahead regarding raping the resources of other planets ! Whilst I’ll accept your argument regarding increased efficiency and new techniques, for the most part these are generally short lived, as your competitors usually also have the new techniques and technology, so you are back to square one. Take my own business as an example. If I could go back to when I first started work in the 60’s with the power tools that I have at my disposal now, I could make a mint. However, today, every workman has the same equipment, so clearly, whilst a lot of jobs may get done in a quarter of the time.........we only get paid for that time, not the time it would have took in the 60’s. Am I making sense here?:)


It's not a short lived benefit for society though, only for your business. Particularly once it's spread and everyone is using it. The reason for that being that the new technology or technique just increased productivity and raised overall economic output, it made us all a little bit richer.


Raping is a rather emotive word to use with reference to sterile balls of resource floating around doing very little (although I was referring to easier access materials, like the asteroid belt).

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Still waiting for you to answer that question you are hoping will go away Mecky.


Which Govt had 25% inflation then? Which Govt devalued the pound.




I'll answer your ridiculous 'question' to which you already know the answer and the answer is Labour. Of course the Heath government never had inflation and would never have devalued the pound, it was hunky dory when they were in.


You'll be telling me next that Labour went 'cap in hand' to the IMF, they didn't go cap in hand and nor did they need to. It was also revealed in The Times on new years day last year that the Tories were going to go to the IMF too but lost two elections in a row so it was left to Labour to drink from the poisoned chalice.


In fact anyone who wants to know the facts about the 70's should read 'When the Lights Went Out' by Andy Beckett.


And finally, Jim Callaghan never said 'crisis what crisis?', there was never a rat infestation from the winter of discontent and there was never a national gravediggers strike, just a few in Liverpool.

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I'll answer your ridiculous 'question' to which you already know the answer and the answer is Labour. Of course the Heath government never had inflation and would never have devalued the pound, it was hunky dory when they were in.


You'll be telling me next that Labour went 'cap in hand' to the IMF, they didn't go cap in hand and nor did they need to. It was also revealed in The Times on new years day last year that the Tories were going to go to the IMF too but lost two elections in a row so it was left to Labour to drink from the poisoned chalice.


In fact anyone who wants to know the facts about the 70's should read 'When the Lights Went Out' by Andy Beckett.


And finally, Jim Callaghan never said 'crisis what crisis?', there was never a rat infestation from the winter of discontent and there was never a national gravediggers strike, just a few in Liverpool.


I think the point of making this point is to make it clear that inflation occurs under every flavour of government, and that the current level of inflation is actually quite moderate (although higher than desired).

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I think the point of making this point is to make it clear that inflation occurs under every flavour of government, and that the current level of inflation is actually quite moderate (although higher than desired).


That's fine by me, I have not heard much grumbling about the dreaded inflation yet but heard plenty about VAT. I try to be fair minded e.g. the Tories are doing their best to dig us out although I didn't vote for them. One thing I hate with a passion are dummies talking crap about the 70's. It is the decade where legends have become hard wired as fact in the heads of the ignorant.

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I'll answer your ridiculous 'question' to which you already know the answer and the answer is Labour. Of course the Heath government never had inflation and would never have devalued the pound, it was hunky dory when they were in.


You'll be telling me next that Labour went 'cap in hand' to the IMF, they didn't go cap in hand and nor did they need to. It was also revealed in The Times on new years day last year that the Tories were going to go to the IMF too but lost two elections in a row so it was left to Labour to drink from the poisoned chalice.


In fact anyone who wants to know the facts about the 70's should read 'When the Lights Went Out' by Andy Beckett.


And finally, Jim Callaghan never said 'crisis what crisis?', there was never a rat infestation from the winter of discontent and there was never a national gravediggers strike, just a few in Liverpool.


And the point I make is that all Govt's have inflation and have to deal with it for varying reasons.


The reason that I didn't make the other comments is that they were not worth making. The fact that you feel the need to draw attention to them is telling however.


Now that's done feel like going for broke and answering the Milk Snatcher comments? Mecky for some reason is feeling shy of them :-)

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And the point I make is that all Govt's have inflation and have to deal with it for varying reasons.


The reason that I didn't make the other comments is that they were not worth making. The fact that you feel the need to draw attention to them is telling however.


Now that's done feel like going for broke and answering the Milk Snatcher comments? Mecky for some reason is feeling shy of them :-)


I draw attention to them as they are spouted a lot by tap room politicians like yourself. I love debunking the crud spoken by people with a little bit of knowledge but no thorough understanding. Simple as that really.

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I draw attention to them as they are spouted a lot by tap room politicians like yourself. I love debunking the crud spoken by people with a little bit of knowledge but no thorough understanding. Simple as that really.


Except I didn't spout them because I have understanding of them.


I notice again however you cannot resist getting in another little bit of unwarranted gratuitous abuse - this seems to be a habit of the Left. Does it really make your argument stronger do you think or is it just to make you feel better about yourself?

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Aw diddums. Public sector workers include some of the lowest paid people in the country and the vast majority of them don't get the sort of pensions given to Fred Goodwin. So why aren't you directing your bile at him and his banking chums?


Would you class him as "common people"? He's private sector so according to your bizarre logic he must be.


Just remember who pays who's wages flower.

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