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Would You Live In Abject Poverty For A Year? Would It Change You?

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Seen all these 'secret millionaires' progs for years now. And they only hang around for a week and retire to their normal plush lifes and laugh at poorer folk in the golf club.


OK tory mugs, libs and totley socialists. Would you have the gonads to take it up?



I think that perhaps you ought to watch a few of these programmes again because I honestly think that you've totally missed the point.


None of them are trying to walk the mile in another man's shoes. They are going "undercover" in order to try and seek out worthy causes that they would like to help.

What's wrong with that?

They have to live in circumstances similar to their neighbour's in order for their cover not to be blown. None of them really like living where they have to but I take my hat off to them that they are prepared to do it.


If you really watched these programmes then you would know that these "millionaires" weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth's. They all have stories to tell and also reasons as to why they want to help others less fortunate than themselves.

I think it's a brilliant programme and on the surface of things it does seem to have helped out lots of people.


If you really want to discuss people living in abject poverty for a year then perhaps you should be casting your net a bit wider?

Living in a sh****le of a neighbourhood whilst claiming benefits which pay the rent and also the drug/booze/food bill whilst the kids go to school with holes in their shoes is a whole wide world away from those that don't even have clean and safe water to drink..........now that's what I call abject poverty and those poor buggers are lucky to survive a year!

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