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Car Insurance question

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Not sure if anyone knows the answer to this but thought it worth a try...


My car insurance is up for renewal and I'm shopping around. My last full claim was back in Aug 2008 when someone ran into the back of me in standing traffic (multiple cars involved, but I'd left enough space so thankfully didn't hit the car in front). The guy who'd caused the crash claimed responsibility so I claimed on his insurance without any problem.


Then within the last two month I've had two incidents - one where someone smashed my wing mirror whilst my car was parked up. He stopped and gave me his details and I claimed through his insurance. Then when my car was parked at Manchester airport, I came back from holiday to find a big crack up the windscreen. The airport agreed for autoglass to bill them and repaired it.


I'm honestly not sure which of these I need to declare (although I know I'll need to declare the crash in Aug 2008). I've tried listing all of them, but for the recent two incidents, I can't say who was driving at the time, as the car wasn't being driven at the time! Also, when I put in that I've made a windscreen claim, the system seems to assume that I claimed on my policy, which I didn't. I'm now in a state of :huh:


Any ideas?

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You need to declare the first 2 definately as they both involved your insurance company.


Did you contact your insurance company re. the windscreen or did it just go through the airport?


If not then they will have no knowledge of it.


Eventhough nopne of these incidents were your fault they will still act against you.

They shouldn't but they will.

Just try online quotes, 1 declaring and 1 without and see the difference.

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