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Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?

Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?

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i watched that program last night, and it was very disturbing to see that man at the end taking his life, it was not what i thought would happen, especalliy all the noises he was making, i could not stop thinking about it all night, until i had watched the program i agreed with the assisted suicide, and said if i ever get in a way i cant look after myself then i want to do it, but have changed my mind.


presumably you have only decided that you dont want to do it, not that you now disagree with making it legal?


Personally I thought it was a lot quicker and more dignified than I actually expected, I am pretty convinced that I would like to use this service if I have the sort of condition that would make me suffer.

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I believe if assisted suicide did become legal in this country (which I believe it should) it should be done in controlled environments such as Dignitas.


A fear that some have is that people will attempt to excuse their murder of (say for example) a Grandparent for profit gain as "oh I was only helping them die...like the wanted".


In all honesty, if I were to get unwell to a point where I know I will suffer a long, suffering death or become a vegetable I would certainly choose to end my own life.

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Having watched a relative die a long and lingering death, my immediate reaction was to vote yes, but thinking about it, how long will it be before old people or the infirm start feeling obliged to opt for euthanasia to save money and resources, when they are not ready for it?


I would like to think that regardless of the law, if a loved one in terrible pain begged me to help them die I would do it, and be prepared to answer for it in a court of law.


Every life is uniquely prescious, every circumstance is different. Any attempt to end that life must be subject to the most rigorous scrutiny and only an independent court taking all the facts and emotions into account can sometimes justify it.

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Yes. No. There is no yes no answer to this question. But an individual without any assistance has the right to take his or her own life. Many people have given thought to suicide, Many have taken overdoses etc. But this is not suicide or even attempted suicide. This is a cry for help. But when a person is seriously thinking ending their life then this is an issue for them alone , Maybe they have tried all forms of counseling and they have failed. A person with mental health issues should never be allowed to make this decision they are not of sound mind. Dignity is the issue with many. Some people leave it far too late and cannot take their life without assistance. I have always said that before I allow my life to be dictated to me, To have to be washed and bathed by another. Even have my butt wiped. Then I shall end it long before this can happen. There was a time when I myself became very depressed at my condition and the fear of having to lose my dignity. I did seriously try to take my life. I got away from my safe zone where I was not known, I swallowed a bottle of drugs and washed them down with Brandy. I am not ashamed to say so. I have counseled others since then. I woke up several days later in Hospital. I would have died had a Police Officer not noticed something was wrong. Also whilst in Hospital my nephew was called because without his help I would have surely died. Am I glad I was stopped. Not really I will have to face this again one day because of my condition. I am glad now that I have explained to those close to me why I did what I did and never to grieve for me should I decide to go. But to let me go in peace maybe shed a tear or two but to respect my decision. But very soon may of us will lose the care we do get little as it is because of the new Welfare Bill. A dangerous bill in many ways. Also we will lose the support we are given by the NHS. To top this, We have The Housing Bill that will separate families, and destroy our communities.

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I have a peripheral nerve and muscle wasting condition.

It is progressive and eventually will effect my chewing, swallowing and speech as vocal chords atrophy.


I am on morphine patches fentanyl at 50 mg patches that I have changed ever 3 days on top of.....







for pain relief , as I suffer not just muscle aches and pains but nerve pain and back pain that I have due to muscle waistage round my spine causing it to bend = scoliosis.

I am scared all time as I can't predict what will be effected next, and the pain im in already is bad enough.


I am not sure I can take any more at all, I think it should be allowed.

Then I would not have to worry about these future things and can rest pain free. I would give anything to have just 1 day pain free. The words I should be so lucky come to mind. x

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Having watched a relative die a long and lingering death, my immediate reaction was to vote yes, but thinking about it, how long will it be before old people or the infirm start feeling obliged to opt for euthanasia to save money and resources, when they are not ready for it?


Although I would support 'assisted dying', this is my major reservation about it.


Right now our social/health services can just about provide care for elderly people, the situation will certainly be different in 20/30 years time unless these people are of sufficient means to pay for this care.


I can envisage a situation where the state actively sanctions/encourages euthanasia because quite simply it will be unable to support the demand for social care and health services that an ageing population places upon it.

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When we see the massive numbers of people that die as a result of neglect. Or just giving up hope. Nor being able to afford care. Not allowed to have someone live with them to assist because they will get penalized on housing benefits etc. Then we already have state assisted suicide. On top of all this we have the DWP giving us more stress. Depression is in itself a killer. More time and support is given to drug addicts and alcoholics than to those that suffer from conditions they have not deserved to suffer with. But a friend of mine that did take his life some weeks ago said that it is better to die than to just exist. He may have had a little quality in his life and did enjoy company and could do some things for himself. Some days he could do quite a lot. But as he said. He would not put his family or friends through the hell of being prosecuted for helping him when the time came. He could have lived another two or three years in comfort. When I study his case I say that the state killed him. This happens all the time, But myself I have already come to terms that I will take a walk on the moors with my best brandy and a bottle full of sleeping pills and my mobile phone. I think my friends will support me though they will grieve in anger at what I will do. They do not talk about this now as one friend says he hopes that the time will never come. As for my family. I have not seen them for many years. I doubt, knowing them, that they will not care one way or the other. We have never been close. Though I have a nephew that would be very upset I have even arranged for him to supported. I have no sons or daughters. So this makes it easier for me when the time comes. I do get depressed at times, But this will not be the reason.

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If EVER i am in that situation, i will decide where and when .I have no intention of enduring a lingering death.


I agree, I have a peripheral nerve in my hands and feet, Spondilouse of the spine and CFS. These all effect me in different ways some days I can't get out of bed but i still try my best to do the things i used to do.


There are no good days,sometimes the pain is manageable with medication but the tiredness, the fog, forgetfulness never goes away. At times i do get scared everything will one day get on top of me and i won't be able to enjoy life its self.


Although i wouldn't want someone to assited me due to the trouble they'd get into. I watched a documentry about a mom who assited her daughters death, who had CFS and i believe its not a selfish act on the assisters part in that case. But i see the other side too how if it was legal there is husbands and familys who see people with disabilties/illness as a hinderence or as if their lifes have stopped they can feel trapped too. The thing is that if it was legal how could it be safe so no one could abuse the system.

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