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Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?

Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. Should assisted suicide be made legal in the UK?

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If your determined enough to top yourself then who'd going to stop you,

unless you advertise the fact on Gumtree.


That isn't the issue, it's getting someone to 'assist' you that creates the legal problem.

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Legally that's all they can do - they can withdraw what would keep you alive but are not allowed to intervene to help you die, Well this is a slightly grey area - terminal cancer patients are frequently put in charge of their own morphine administration for pain control so many (technically) die from a morphine OD rather than the cancer.


It also comes into conflict with the classic version of the Hippocratic oath which states "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." though whether this oath is still taken by a doctor at graduation I'm not sure,


But thats the point they have to the power to put pressure on the government to do something about it!

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Can you show some evidence for this allegation please?


A man with arthritis and no terminal condition: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12959664


Dignitas boss on his definition of who can use the facility: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10481309


Article on specific medical conditions of Britons who used Dignitas: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/jun/21/dignitas-suicide-clinic-britons


Non-terminally ill husband died with his wife at Dignitas:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/5823704/Conductor-Sir-Edward-Downes-and-wife-end-lives-at-Dignitas-clinic.html


There are plenty more examples out there.

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The thing I didn't like was the cost, £10 000 if I heard correctly so that means an awful lot of poorer people wouldn't be able to use this service whilst it is still only allowed overseas. The idea that suddenly if it was allowed in this country that all the old, infirm or disabled would be forced or coerced into signing on the dotted line is pathetic as the program showed the safeguards in place.

Everyone is different and so I would just like to see this as an option for those who do want to die with dignity and at a time and in a place of their choosing.

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nobody has the right to play god and therefore should not be allowed to do so.
You also can't prove that there is a god playing god either.


So given that you need to think logically about the subject whats better? To allow a loved one to live a life of no quality in suffering and pain or to allow them the choice to end their life if they want to?

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im very surprised at the poll tbh..you are talking about euthenasia and people activley helping others to do so,nobody has the right to play god and therefore should not be allowed to do so

:huh: I'm always rather confused by this 'no one should play god' business.


Surely it's just as must "playing god" to keep someone alive as to kill them.


I know quite a few people who but for medical intervention would have died, do you object to this on the grounds that it was "playing god" if not why not?


To me at least it seems if anyone in this situation is trying to take on the roll of "god" it is you by seeking to impose your arbitrary opinions upon the rest of humanity.


I believe that my life is my own and that if my life was going to be one of ever increasing suffering, loss of control over my mind & body... then I should have the right to end my own life, this would include the right to request that other people help me end my life if I'm not physically able to do so myself.


Any such helpers wouldn't be "playing god" by doing so they would be being a good friend/family member/wife by doing something for me at my request that I was incapable of doing for myself. In contrast by forcing me or anyone else to endure a life of nothing but suffering you would be 'playing god'.

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A man with arthritis and no terminal condition: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12959664


Dignitas boss on his definition of who can use the facility: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10481309


Article on specific medical conditions of Britons who used Dignitas: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/jun/21/dignitas-suicide-clinic-britons


Non-terminally ill husband died with his wife at Dignitas:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/5823704/Conductor-Sir-Edward-Downes-and-wife-end-lives-at-Dignitas-clinic.html


There are plenty more examples out there.

Why should only people with terminal illnesses be able to use such a service? There are no doubt conditions which don't kill people they simply diminish them to the extent that they can't take their own lives and make them suffer immensely.


Why should people with such conditions be forced to endure them for years or even decades if they don't want to?

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i watched that program last night, and it was very disturbing to see that man at the end taking his life, it was not what i thought would happen, especalliy all the noises he was making, i could not stop thinking about it all night, until i had watched the program i agreed with the assisted suicide, and said if i ever get in a way i cant look after myself then i want to do it, but have changed my mind.

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