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Taxman to snoop into ebay accounts

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100% behind you there. I just can't understand why people on SF are so down on people on benefits but seem to forget that 1. MP's screwed the country by fiddling hundreds of thousands of pounds off the taxpayer, Then got sent to prison for a grand total of 13 weeks. 2. Banks were bailed out with our money yet still continue to charge US for going overdrawn, having a bank account etc etc!!


In fairness I don't feel the problem of SF members being down on benefit claimants is solely within the confines of SF, nationally people are a bit miffed about the benefit culture which has been created, genuine benefit claimants have my support, but shirkers & con artists don't, in my eyes dregs of society who have no respect for anyone but themselves.


As for examples 1. agree, 2. so because we bailed out the banks you feel they should now provide a free service, as for the money it cost to bail them out, the vast majority of it has been paid back. Don't get me wrong I'm not condoning what they did, but it's time to move on.


As for the OP topic, dammed right people should pay tax, especially those on EBay making fortunes. I’d also like to see the taxman taking an interest in side road private car plots, drive down Prince of Wales road, specific houses which continuously for past three years to my knowledge have had vehicles parked with price tags in the window. One in particular (not on Prince of Wales Road) I know for a fact has made an absolute fortune, both on EBay & in private ad sales, he's never paid tax & claims every benefit going, now is that right.

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In fairness I don't feel the problem of SF members being down on benefit claimants is solely within the confines of SF, nationally people are a bit miffed about the benefit culture which has been created, genuine benefit claimants have my support, but shirkers & con artists don't, in my eyes dregs of society who have no respect for anyone but themselves.


As for examples 1. agree, 2. so because we bailed out the banks you feel they should now provide a free service, as for the money it cost to bail them out, the vast majority of it has been paid back. Don't get me wrong I'm not condoning what they did, but it's time to move on.


As for the OP topic, dammed right people should pay tax, especially those on EBay making fortunes. I’d also like to see the taxman taking an interest in side road private car plots, drive down Prince of Wales road, specific houses which continuously for past three years to my knowledge have had vehicles parked with price tags in the window. One in particular (not on Prince of Wales Road) I know for a fact has made an absolute fortune, both on EBay & in private ad sales, he's never paid tax & claims every benefit going, now is that right.



There isn't a benefit culture.


What there is, is the right wing press brainwashing people into believing that there is a benefits culture. When people believe this is true then the Tories can cut benefits without anyone objecting.


The Tories and the right wing press, Mail,Sun,Express, Times,Telegraph, are all in it together.

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There isn't a benefit culture.


What there is, is the right wing press brainwashing people into believing that there is a benefits culture. When people believe this is true then the Tories can cut benefits without anyone objecting.


The Tories and the right wing press, Mail,Sun,Express, Times,Telegraph, are all in it together.

No!!! it's just the lefties(probably the largest recipients of benefits one way or another) that believe there "isn't a benefit culture!"
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eBay must have recently 'improved' their back end systems, as users are now able to see their transaction history over the past 3 years or so (used to be limited to 60 days). Maybe this explain that :huh:


As for Paypal having "always been open to the taxman"...one has to wonder why they felt the need to locate their EU HQ in Luxembourg, then. A country (and financial system) about as open to EU/non-EU taxmen as a nun's private parts :hihi:

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It's not that at all. But there are LOTs of people who set up on Ebay to make a few extra quid, and every one of those sales in my area means I lose a sale. They don't pay any TAX, I do.


The whole Ebay thing means that I end up paying through the nose while they can afford to sell things at rock bottom prices knowing they won't have to pay a penny in TAX.


For me, it has nothing to do with benefits, although, I imagine there's an absolute bunch of benefit scroungers making a very nice living off Ebay.

Paying through the nose for what,dont you mean your 50%mark up is way over the top.if your that concerned buy the goods the casuals are selling cheaply..oh and dont try to tell me about the cost of dealing and the mark ups for EBay Iv been doing the same for about 30 years..before EBay was even thought of.most dealers work on one system...greed..I once had a deputation on Doncaster bric a brac market trying to get me to raise prices because I was too cheap..even though I was making a good profit,I told them to walk away.

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Paying through the nose for what,dont you mean your 50%mark up is way over the top.if your that concerned buy the goods the casuals are selling cheaply..oh and dont try to tell me about the cost of dealing and the mark ups for EBay Iv been doing the same for about 30 years..before EBay was even thought of.


Huh? Is there a message here, or are you just ranting?

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