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Pentagon loses $ 6.6 billion of cash meant for Iraq.

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Very good but terribly shocking video,I hope people watch it.

And people on here make out like Alex Jones is the bad guy :loopy:


I will add that vid to the OP of the 'babies killed at our expense' thread.



No problem. There are wheels within wheels at the moments aren't there? I'm not sure whether Alex Jones is a poison chalice or a good guy. I sense that he is one of the few drawing attention to such atrocities, but there has been a concerted effort to portray him as some kind of "nut case" which ultimately taints the message doesn't it? But as they say "the camera never lies?".

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No problem. There are wheels within wheels at the moments aren't there? I'm not sure whether Alex Jones is a poison chalice or a good guy. I sense that he is one of the few drawing attention to such atrocities, but there has been a concerted effort to portray him as some kind of "nut case" which ultimately taints the message doesn't it? But as they say "the camera never lies?".


Agreed on all above.

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The bars of the prison have been placed on the inside. Could it be that people have been provided with sources of the truth, which themselves are discredited by disinformation? Not so far fetched when you read Chomsky on the Vietnam War, and the lengths the Americans went to to suppress the reality of the war?



Yet somehow we found out about the My Lai massacre, bombing of Laos,the use of napalm, de-foliants etc - often from the American press.

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No problem. There are wheels within wheels at the moments aren't there? I'm not sure whether Alex Jones is a poison chalice or a good guy. I sense that he is one of the few drawing attention to such atrocities, but there has been a concerted effort to portray him as some kind of "nut case" which ultimately taints the message doesn't it? But as they say "the camera never lies?".


Like a lot of his audience, Jones appears unable to distinguish fact from fiction. His website seems mainly there to con the gullible into buying "survival" supplies, gold & silver etc.

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Like a lot of his audience, Jones appears unable to distinguish fact from fiction. His website seems mainly there to con the gullible into buying "survival" supplies, gold & silver etc.


I wonder why the American government went to so much trouble in extraditing Julian Essenge then. If the film was inaccurate?


Like all deniers of the facts, just quoting the typical knee jerk reaction without any scrutiny.


Do you think the buying of gold and silver might have something to do with the stock markets collapsing and currency devaluation?


Didn’t read my comments about Jones being a poison chalice no? But Wiki leaks remains doesn’t it, regardless of whether or not Jones is a crank. So facts are facts.


Lastly we found out about the events in Vietnam because journalists still had the freedom to report actual events. Instead of events once they have been through the “national security” lie machine.

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i would still love to see other countries invade america with all guns blazing, that would serve the ******** right


England tried it in 1812 and got rheir asses kicked but please do feel free to come back for a re-try :D

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Despite an investigation the Pentagon can not trace the cash meant for Iraq's reconstruction.


Some suggest it was American Tax money, others report it was Iraq's money from sales of resources.


"The mystery is a growing embarrassment to the Pentagon, and an irritant to Washington's relations with Baghdad. Iraqi officials are threatening to go to court to reclaim the money, which came from Iraqi oil sales, seized Iraqi assets and surplus funds from the United Nations' oil-for-food program"

(Quote from top link)


How the heck can that happen ? http://m.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/mar/20/usa.iraq?cat=world&type=article



And your point is?

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At least try getting a simple, checkable fact right.


I was being ironic. The film is from Wiki leaks. And the U.S government has done all it could to suppress this along with all the other information it designated as damaging to "national security" the eternal cry of the dictator!

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