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Syrians not Israelis slaughtering Arabs/Syrians

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This thread is just a vehicle for the resident racists to spout their crap again :roll:


Too true, everytime Israel and Arabs are mentioned the resident Israeliphobes/westernerphobes crawl out of their holes.

Mind you they would as they've all got their heads up their backsides.:o

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To which SheffLad76 replied




My bold= So the sultan of Brunei is an Arab is? well you learn something everday, all say 3 we're not worthies to be in the company of such intellect.


LOL and in your bold where did I claim Brunei is an arab state? they are muslims though and your views of arabs/muslims speaks for you ...


Hey didn't Jeeves come up with any new Terms other than "Israeliphobes and Westernphobes" cause you use them alot and you are boring as hell when you keep babbling the same thing over and over... go kick your drums boy:gag:

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Hey didn't Jeeves come up with any new Terms other than "Israeliphobes and Westernphobes" cause you use them alot and you are boring as hell when you keep babbling the same thing over and over... go kick your drums boy:gag:
Maybe boring but it rankles Israeliphobic racists like you and the other phobics. Oh and I'm a musician not a drummer.
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He neither dare or can answer without making himself look like an idiot.

The basis of all daft racist crap involves looking at a few facts and ignoring everything that doesn't fit what you need it to say.


That's why Arabs killing each other is a crime but Englishmen killing each other is ancient history and an English, BNP mass murderer is probably a hero.

What exactly are you on ?what nationality are you ?..see I dont know whether to call you a racist or a traitor

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The best view seems admirably summed-up by the couplet:


"Cet animal est tres méchant; Quand on l'attaque, il se défend."

[= This animal is very malicious; when attacked, it defends itself.]


From the song 'La Ménagerie' via Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 30.


I.E. why grow so angry that Israeli Defence Forces, er, defend Israel?

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What a sad post by SheffLad76;7772614, seems you've dug yourself into another hole other than you rear orifice.:loopy:


Maybe boring but it rankles Israeliphobic racists like you and the other phobics. Oh and I'm a musician not a drummer.


aha speaking of back orifice ,you certainly have a good tongue that could wipe clean back holes....am sure plenty of Arabs would use you for their own hygiene.. still you are a jealous self hating idiot as you always prove it to everyone ..


Oh and you call yourself a musician :D ok I will let you go then if this will make you feel better...go kick your dog ..Fool

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Especialy ronthenekred&upinwath


You're equally as bad for it though. Seems like you attack anybody who has the temerity to hold a view different to your own.


Drones are aimed at terrorist leaders


So none have malfunctioned? None strayed off target?Obviously, I don't expect you to know, as the US govt. would not release this kind of negative report, we'll have to wait until someone within the army develops a conscience and lets slip to wikileaks/openleaks:|.


All bombers kill innocents.


According to some sects of christianity, there are no innocents (original sin BS).


The papers captured from the compound of Bin Laden detail plans to sabotage American railways specifically pointing to trains transporting highly toxic chemicals which if released could either seriously injure or kill hundreds of people if the sabotage was carried out near a populated area.


Only if you believe the US govt. though;).


There is no reason to disbelieve this.


Except that the US govt. has a history of cover-ups/lying;).


And you pointed out my spelling mistake.:banana:


Epic fail by you:



· prefix expressing negation or absence: non-recognition. not of the kind or class described: non-believer. expressing a neutral negative sense where in- or un- has a special connotation (such as non-human compared with inhuman).

– ORIGIN from L. non ‘not’.


Can you translate please?


It makes perfect sense, but I guess English is only a second language to you.

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Wonder what the anti Israelis think of the slaughter of Syrian civillians (not terrorists) by the Syrian military causing a mass exodus into Turkey.

What would the Israeliphobes/westernephobes be posting if the Israelis killed as many Arab Terrorists for firing rockets into Israel?


In the same way Syria could claim the people it has killed are terrorists because those opposed to the Syrian regime are armed.


Having said that, the actions of any Arab regime do not justify the actions of Israel in any way shape or form.


As for Israel killing as many, Israel has killed more innocent civilians unarmed men women and children than Syria and many other Arab regimes put together.

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As for Israel killing as many, Israel has killed more innocent civilians unarmed men women and children than Syria and many other Arab regimes put together.


you're just ignorant. Syrian mukhabarat massacred at least 20,000 people in one incident alone at Hama in 1982 over a few days and it could have been double that. Massacres by Arab Islamists of Algerian civilians in villages in the 1990s added up to at least 10,000. And that's just scratching the surface.

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here's some of the Arab-on-Arab Lebanese civil war massacres :


Black Saturday massacre, 1976 - 500 killed

Karantina massacre, 1976 - 1,500 killed

Tel al-Zaatar massacre, 1976 - 2,000 killed

Damour massacre, 1976 - 500 killed

War of the Camps, 1985-86 - 3,500 killed


and that's only the big ones. There were dozens of other smaller ones. Add up, don't they?

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