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Syrians not Israelis slaughtering Arabs/Syrians

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True; let's be.


1. There is no such thing as International Law.

2. Conventions are not legally binding.

3. UN Resolutions aren't, either.


You may be technically correct on all those points, but I don't think they answer any of the questions posed to Bassman Zien in my post; the first of which was a rhetorical nod to the fact that the Geneva Conventions and The UN are separate institutions, as any well informed person would know.

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We know where your stance is, you just apply the Nelson attitude (I see no ships) and put the spyglass to the blind eye when none Israelis do anything wrong, like the Taleban entering Pakistan murdering 17 Pakistani police officers they were holding prisoner in cold blood.


That's all in your imagination that is, because I have never said any such thing on this forum or anywhere. Unless you, in your infinite wisdom, know better and can provide me with some kind of quote that even remotely supports your post.


Have a good evening with the search button …

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You quoted me, but then appeared to be replying to someone else's post.


Hope you get it sorted.

No you're implying that the Israelis (GCP) are the only ones who can do wrong yet yours and the other Westernerphobes/Israeliaphobes silence is deafening when the arabs/muslims regularly commit true acts of barbarity.

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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Shaw

True; let's be.


1. There is no such thing as International Law.

2. Conventions are not legally binding.

3. UN Resolutions aren't, either.



You may be technically correct on all those points, but I don't think they answer any of the questions posed to Bassman in my post; the first of which was a rhetorical nod to the fact that the Geneva Conventions and The UN are separate institutions, as any well informed person would know.


So he's correct.:thumbsup:

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No you're implying that the Israelis (GCP) are the only ones who can do wrong yet yours and the other Westernerphobes/Israeliaphobes silence is deafening when the arabs/muslims regularly commit true acts of barbarity.


I'm not implying anything, I'm saying what I'm saying.


If you choose to interpret that as "Israeliaphobia" then that's up to you.


I'm sure Jefferey is correct, he's a lawyer - but I can think of one example off the top of my head of the UN and non-existent international law leading to the arrest and trial of an individual.


So whilst it may not exist, it obviously does in a pragmatic sense when the parties concerned consent to it.

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No you're implying that the Israelis (GCP) are the only ones who can do wrong yet yours and the other Westernerphobes/Israeliaphobes silence is deafening when the arabs/muslims regularly commit true acts of barbarity.


There's those silly phrases again...

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the airheads of the world, who never quote their sources because they're frightened of getting found out on the facts, usually have this very vague left-wing inspired anti-Israeli position which is probably just veiled antisemitism. That type of ignorance is their problem of course.

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There's those silly phrases again...
You don't like it when the tables are turned do you? You're happy to use islamphobnia but when quite rightly it is pointed out about your westernerphobia/Israeliaphobia you spit out the dummy.
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That explain why you hate Arabs so much,much be jealous they have so much money that they can buy you and your whole species and makes you their slaves ...are you dreaming to be like a Sultan one day Bassman62 cause the best I can see you doing is bass kicking...and benefit scrounging :loopy:


Arabs! Do you know where Brunei is or are you just acting thick?

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