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Syrians not Israelis slaughtering Arabs/Syrians

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the airheads of the world, who never quote their sources because they're frightened of getting found out on the facts, usually have this very vague left-wing inspired anti-Israeli position which is probably just veiled antisemitism. That type of ignorance is their problem of course.

The trouble is with their blinkered approach they're actualy guilty of what they accuse others of.

Arabs can commit any heinous crime against decency and humanity including hiding behind their own kin, firing missiles randomly into civillian areas, suicide bombings in public places etc etc etc.

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A saying that is often not acted upon, "Don't screw with a Jew" People who want to have a pop at Israel should think twice and twice again if they want to attack Israel. You know who you are, be warned.

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  • 1 year later...
it was clear from the start that Israel and the west wanted to see Syria to descend into chaos, but with the parameters of a troublesome civil war not forming quickly. Objective has been achieved.


Thats right.

Blame everyone but whos actualy to blame.

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