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Syrians not Israelis slaughtering Arabs/Syrians

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A source close to Hamas described the movement's tactic of launching projectiles from between homes during the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza conflict: "They fired rockets in between the houses and covered the alleys with sheets so they could set the rockets up in five minutes without the planes seeing them. The moment they fired, they escaped, and they are very quick."[41] Videos released by Hamas in 2011 show Qassam rockets being fired from residential areas and mosques. According to Yedioth Aharonoth journalist Elior Levy, "Gaza terror cells choose to fire from urban areas knowing that the Israel Defense Forces refrain from intercepting them for fear of hurting civilians. The killing of civilians in Gaza also serves the terrorists' purposes who claim Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza."[42]


Again blatant plagiarism, have you any thoughts of your own?

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They don’t just use them as shields.


Islamic Jihad has involved other Palestinians in the activities, running summer camps where children were taught how to hold a Qassam rocket launcher.


You mean something like what the 'heroes' of the IDF would do :







What is your opinon on Nazis killing Jews in WW2?


It was a war crime of the highest order.


A source close to Hamas described the movement's tactic of launching projectiles from between homes during the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza conflict...


Lol ! - and who was this mysterious 'source' we wonder; Israeli army radio ? :cool:

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I wonder about the OP's opinion of the English civil war.

All those white English chaps killing while English chaps. My gawd the English a a bunch of murderous dogs.

The French killed their posh nobs as the yanks killed out the English (Well, German mercs under the king's command) and proceeded to have a civil war.


Those ruddy whites. Can't be trusted. I wonder what the OP would say if Arabs had killed that many white people.


Another blinding display of stupidity brought to you from the rep of a party of hate filled head cases.

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When are the palestinians going to be brought to justice for using women and children as human shields and firing random missiles into Israel and at school busses or are they a special case when it comes to Crimes Against Humanity?


Not sure what your point is that you haven't mate umpteen times before. Are you surprised the Syrians are killing each other or are you surprised that Israelis are not?


What is your opinon on Nazis killing Jews in WW2?


Or Jews murdering the sons of British soldiers who probably fought in WW11 to free the death camps.

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Post evidence or remain quiet.


Or do you want me to post what those 'brave' and 'wonderful' soldiers of the IDF to Palestinian children ?


Ok terrorist worshiper go here;-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palesti...acks_on_Israel


And see what your heroes have been up to.

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Not sure what your point is that you haven't mate umpteen times before. Are you surprised the Syrians are killing each other or are you surprised that Israelis are not?

Or Jews murdering the sons of British soldiers who probably fought in WW11 to free the death camps.


Typical of another terrorsist worshiper.

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I wonder about the OP's opinion of the English civil war.

All those white English chaps killing while English chaps. My gawd the English a a bunch of murderous dogs.

The French killed their posh nobs as the yanks killed out the English (Well, German mercs under the king's command) and proceeded to have a civil war.


Those ruddy whites. Can't be trusted. I wonder what the OP would say if Arabs had killed that many white people.


Another blinding display of stupidity brought to you from the rep of a party of hate filled head cases.


And how many years ago was that? the above reply must sum you up very well as a person whose opinion is so backward that you align incidents from hundreds of years ago with todays events.:loopy:

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Two beatiful shots of humanitarian actions by gallant Israeli solidiers. having saved two paletinians.

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