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Syrians not Israelis slaughtering Arabs/Syrians

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All bombers kill innocents.

You missed out a word there it should have read

All suicide bombers kill innocents.


Tanks that are firing on Lybian civillians are not crewed by innocents when nato planes drop guided bombs on them.

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Stop ploughing Billions into Israel (after all it's just a frikin sand pit like the rest of the area)


not too sure why people think Israel is a 'sandpit', when only 25% of it is desert. I think it's all that Nativity stuff that gets rammed down people's throats at primary school which shows Jesus getting born in Bethehem, which yes, does have a pretty arid climate.


but Jesus's hometown was not Bethlehem. It was Nazareth, which gets over 100cm of rainfall in a year. By way of illustration, that's wetter than Sheffield, which only gets about 80. Northern Israel is like northern Syria - pretty lush and well watered, and good agricultural land. But then I bet you think Syria is a 'sandpit' too.

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not too sure why people think Israel is a 'sandpit', when only 25% of it is desert. I think it's all that Nativity stuff that gets rammed down people's throats at primary school which shows Jesus getting born in Bethehem, which yes, does have a pretty arid climate.


but Jesus's hometown was not Bethlehem. It was Nazareth, which gets over 100cm of rainfall in a year. By way of illustration, that's wetter than Sheffield, which only gets about 80. Northern Israel is like northern Syria - pretty lush and well watered, and good agricultural land. But then I bet you think Syria is a 'sandpit' too.



Religion eh.:roll:


Like bassman you probably have me down as a terrorist "worshipper", you'd be oh so far from the truth. As it happens I don't have any time for regimes or terrorists regardless of what guise they come in. Does make you wonder why the West has such a disproportionate interest in Israel. Maybe it's the Lemon crop.

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no it's just you're not the only one who assumes, for reasons perhaps best known to themselves, that Israel is some sort of desert, when it is nothing of the sort. Israel's incredible climate is one of its most amazing features. It can be freezing cold, even snowing, in Jerusalem. Get in a car and shoot down to the Dead Sea. It takes a little more than an hour. It'll be 25C there, and everyone is walking around in shorts.

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Bassman, Syria is not a democracy; Israel (apparently) is. The latter has to live up to a much higher standard than the former.


And btw, Israel did engage in state-sponsored terrorism; it was called 'Operation Cast Lead' (aka the mass slaughter of men, women, and children in Gaza).


It sickens the civilised world that the war criminals and terrorists in Tel Aviv haven't been brought to Justice for their murderous actions.

War crimes work both ways ,mind you its hard to pin the muslim cowards down that fire rockets from behind the shelter of kids

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Its common knowledge that muslims ar rabid racists as far as Israel is concerned,In my book that makes anyone who agrees and defends their actions against Israel the same breed ,funny really the Jews always get the crap ernd of the stick and the people who run them down these days are usually the first to acknowledge the holocaust ..even though Muslims dont

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And how many years ago was that? the above reply must sum you up very well as a person whose opinion is so backward that you align incidents from hundreds of years ago with todays events.:loopy:


You suggested a civil war was a reason to dislike a given group.

I mentioned another group who displayed the same behaviour and asked you to comment.

Of course they were good white folks so you won't because you're a racist, and rather vile, nazi wannabe.

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Wonder what the anti Israelis think of the slaughter of Syrian civilians


(I corrected the spelling of "Civilians" for you.)


Perhaps you could comment on your very own BNP member, David Copeland.

He's a mass murderer convicted of killing civilians.




The only reason he didn't kill more was the fact he was a thick nazi idiot.


Perhaps you could comment on that mass murderer.

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there's about 150 people in UK prisons at the moment for terrorist offences. Of that 150, there's only about five that are not Muslims. 3%.


What an interesting post.


Let's look at it. 150 terrorists - 5 non Muslims.

There are around 10,500 BNP members and they are the non Muslim terrorists.

5 convicted terrorists

There are about 3,504,000 Muslims.

150 terrorists.


So, percentage wise, where is the greatest breeding ground for terrorists?


Now let's think out the same percentages for child sex offences, violence and the rest.

Guess where the criminals are. :hihi:

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