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Lacking Motivation.

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Hi all. I need help yet again lol.


I seem to lack motivation, badly and need to see if others of you are like the same? If you do how do you deal with it and stay motivated.


I lost a stone a few months ago and felt great about myself, but now think I have put about maybe put nearly half of the weight back on. I did this following Slimming World. I have a problem though? I scoff myself silly at night and cant seem to stop myself the last few weeks no matter how I tell myself off and no matter what I do.


Last night I have 2 choccie biscuits with butter on them. Night before I had six choccie biscuits with butter on. I have a problem with night eating and have done it for years. Im aware of what Im doing and am full of motiavation in the day to stop myself doing it but at night something seems to take over even though im aware im doing it and I just have the "can be arsed" attitude. Thats just problem no one.


This lack of motivation is also spilling over into other areas of life. I got made redundant over two years ago and my life seems to have had got slightly worse over the last two years. I know I need a full time job because of money and the stress it causes between my and my otherhalf is becoming a problem now and the poor man worries about money bless him. I think most men would have gone a long time ago.


Help needed. I know I can do all this, but just need to get into the right mindset. I do work but only part time but just cant seem to get my head into gear. I know if I started applying myself to job hunting again and trying to get on top of this night eating I would start to feel much better about myself and have more motivation to do things. I know I sound like a moaning cow but just am at my tethers end now. When I did start losing the weight slowly I felt more drive and motivation to do things as this was clear proof that I could and can do things and this kind of mindset spilled over into my life on other areas and I was more motivated and happy.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh by the way Im 36 years old if that has anything to do with it.


God bless

Lisa33 xx:loopy:

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sounds like you comfort eat to make yourself feel better,at the time you do feel better but as the weight comes back it makes you feel bad about yourself again,so you get in a viscious circle..if you do binge eat at night try cereal instead of biscuits with low fat milk..just a alternative to the biscuits and stuff..i got a very sweet tooth myself for the biscuits,im in denial myself too..i keep threatning myself with slimmers world but always give in to the cakes and biscuits..

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Chocolate biscuits with butter on?? You have to admit that does sound a little disgusting. Firstly, stop calling them choccie biscuits. Choccie makes them sound "friendly" and they are not your friend at the moment.Stop buying them. Secondly, change your routine at night. Find something to do that occupies your mind and your hands, like craft work etc. Thirdly,start a regular routine that involves some form of exercise. Not something that will be a fad, something like a daily 20 minute brisk walk for starters.

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If you have 3 meals a day (healthy ones) and nothing but fruit after 6.00pm you'll find the weight will fall off. It's difficult to lose weight, but if you can break the bad habits its a lot easier. Chocolate biscuits with butter are a no no and you'll never lose weight eating like that. You've got some motivation in losing 1/2 stone. You need to kick yourself up the bum and get on with it...

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