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Most common driving mistake

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It is your right of way. If they are driving the wrong way down a two way road then you can take a punt on the legality.

Personally I carry on, make them stop and then shake my fist angrily. If that doesn't work I follow them, flash them to stop and then beat them with a tyre iron. Or if I'm feeling particularly vindictive I follow them home, make a note of their address and re-visit them with fire.


OOh -are nt you awful duckie

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I genuinely don't know if it is me who is wrong on this as it happens so often. The problem occurs when you are on a normal 2 way street and there is a car parked on the other side of the road. There is just enough room for 1 car to pull round the parked car before you get there. More often than not if there are 3 cars coming in the other direction they will all pull round the car on to the wrong side of the road and you will have to stop to avoid them. I would say more people than not will do this as it happens so often.


I admit it is difficult to see if there is room for you to safely overtake the parked car if you are following another car but that doesn't mean you just go anyway, surely? I would say at least 75% of people do this. If you are the second car in a line that needs to pass a stationary car you often find the driver of the car behind will get agitated if you don't automatically follow. Surely the correct thing to do is hang back so you can see if there is enough room for you to go as well?

Get a big 4x4 and drive down the middle of the road and stuff everybody else its the best way to get any place these days, as the roads are full of ignorant selfish pigs.:rant:

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the point is if you have a small car they all seem to just run you off the road pull out in front of you at junctions every one seems in a rush,no manners at all, if you give way to one coming up to parked a car 15 will come flying past not a thank you as you just sit there,the standards of some driving is atrocious now days,and it seems to be at certain times of day,first thing in a morning as they all rush off to work after laying in bed for the last 5 minutes and then again at coming home times as they dash off for there tea, in-between them times the roads are quite pleasant and when the kids are off school the driving standards change for the better as well,all predictable human behavior I guess.

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Get a big 4x4 and drive down the middle of the road and stuff everybody else its the best way to get any place these days, as the roads are full of ignorant selfish pigs.:rant:


And Cyclists (On second thoughts no they're not most cyclists are on the pavements.)

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