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Whats going on - I wanna scream !

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Can you sit there and confirm that there is not one drop of foreign blood in your family history. I suspect there are millions more people in this country with some form of ancestral foreign connection than you think. Even our own royal family doesn't have a 100% pure british connection does it??


Ball is back in your court.


Touche! Apologies ECCOnoob, I seem to be inadvertently nicking your best lines.

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My own personal observation of tradition is fine thank you, no one is preventing it, its those chappies in places like Tower Hamlets that i strongly disagree with.


You don't believe there were people like those chappies in Tower Hamlets that you might have disagreed with 50, 100, 200 years ago?


Britain is a country that has developed organically over thousands of years, from the Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Huguenots, Jews, West Indians, Pakistanis and Indians..all have added something and taken something away-it's called change and progress, they've assimilated into the host population over time and will continue to do so...it's what's made us who we are today-warts n all.

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Can we just go over some of a words that seem to have accidently fallen from your mouth there.


I like tradition. I am proud of this nations achievements I am well aware of the British history. I was brought up by proud "old folk" both of whom were accademics and one of which was a history teacher in schools. "The likes of me" are not a different breed we are all called these things known as human beings.


What has any of that got to do with anything.


NOW. according to your previous post (just in case you forgot)...




The question I asked was what makes you ACTUALLY british? Do you not have any generational heritage from any other country? According to your own words..... if you do that means you are not ever fully british.


So I ask again. What makes you ACTUALLY british?


Can you sit there and confirm that there is not one drop of foreign blood in your family history. I suspect there are millions more people in this country with some form of ancestral foreign connection than you think. Even our own royal family doesn't have a 100% pure british connection does it??


Ball is back in your court.


As you correctly say millions upon millions of BRITS have foreign blood in them, I will have in me I do not deny it, never have, what I'm saying is that I'm actually proud to adhere to traditional British values, apart from socialist left wing students you do not see any patriotic Brit smashing London up, and siding with the fascist UAF, the royal hating rioters, you don't see gangs of Brits going into the George and Dragon gay pub in Tower Hamlets and beat the patrons up do you? No thats just immigrants, dress it up how you will.

Ps judging by my roman nose and dark skin I'm probably Italian, got to go to work now (which I have been for 24 years solid, before any abuse) good bye:)

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You don't believe there were people like those chappies in Tower Hamlets that you might have disagreed with 50, 100, 200 years ago?


Britain is a country that has developed organically over thousands of years, from the Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Huguenots, Jews, West Indians, Pakistanis and Indians..all have added something and taken something away-it's called change and progress, they've assimilated into the host population over time and will continue to do so...it's what's made us who we are today-warts n all.


agree gotta go work now tooty bye

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You don't believe there were people like those chappies in Tower Hamlets that you might have disagreed with 50, 100, 200 years ago?


Britain is a country that has developed organically over thousands of years, from the Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Huguenots, Jews, West Indians, Pakistanis and Indians..all have added something and taken something away-it's called change and progress, they've assimilated into the host population over time and will continue to do so...it's what's made us who we are today-warts n all.


You should read Andrew Gilligan's blog on The Telegraph and the many entries about Tower Hamlets. The 'melting pot' model is a nice theory that does work in most places, but then there are places like Tower Hamlets where the 'melting pot' doesn't work as one community tries to dominate the others and tries to create a Sharia enclave.

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Because I am actually proud to be, I value a word that seems to have been forgotten T-R-A-D-I-T-I-O-N, a word that the 'Utopian everything is fine brigade' seem to have forgotten or more likely choose to ignore.

I am fiercely proud of my nations achievements good/bad it is part of our history, I was brought up by old folk, people who were proud, proud to be an island race, something that the likes of you/your kind will never ever understand and wouldn't want to anyway, me and the 'likes' of you are an absolutely different breed, it doesn't make you/me good or bad.

People believe in different things, my views are what I believe in, your views are yours, there's millions like you, there's millions like me - we both probably need to get over it, though we never will :|


you make me ashamed to be british:blush:.


I am pretty anti-pc myself I love a sexist/racist/ageist etc joke.....but only when it is a joke, not when someone with a lower than average brain cell count is having a rant!

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As you correctly say millions upon millions of BRITS have foreign blood in them, I will have in me I do not deny it, never have, what I'm saying is that I'm actually proud to adhere to traditional British values, apart from socialist left wing students you do not see any patriotic Brit smashing London up,
The EDL?

and siding with the fascist UAF, the royal hating rioters, you don't see gangs of Brits going into the George and Dragon gay pub in Tower Hamlets and beat the patrons up do you? No thats just immigrants, dress it up how you will.

David Copeland? A wonderfully motivated BNP nationalist, oh who left a nail bomb in the gay pub the Admiral Duncan that killed 3 people and injured 129.




Ps judging by my roman nose and dark skin I'm probably Italian, got to go to work now (which I have been for 24 years solid, before any abuse) good bye:)
That'll be those Italians who were on the side of the Germans in WWII? ;)
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You should read Andrew Gilligan's blog on The Telegraph and the many entries about Tower Hamlets. The 'melting pot' model is a nice theory that does work in most places, but then there are places like Tower Hamlets where the 'melting pot' doesn't work as one community tries to dominate the others and tries to create a Sharia enclave.


I'm not that familiar with Tower Hamlets but I'd denounce any community trying to dominate another, but let's try to keep it in perspective-it's hardly indicative of a failure of anything, other than Tower Hamlets.

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In your opinion - actually i don't mind bf, its the bigots/racists that i don't like on here !


Given the amount of bigotry and racism you seem to be spouting there must be some serious self loathing going on there. Have a curry and German pils, enjoy the latest US show on your Japanese TV resting on it's Scandinavian designed TV table - you never know you may actually enjoy the modern integrated world...

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