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Whats going on - I wanna scream !

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If you saw a program about muslim extremists would you just dismiss it because it's just some tele programme or would you rush on here to start a thread or post on a thread about it? :roll:


I haven't done such a thing but I guess one of your comrades doing it makes it OK.

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Just because you do not agree with me doesn't mean you can go hurting my feelings,


It's not a question of agreeing or not agreeing it's an attempt to understand why you still adhere to such an outdated attitude in 2011!


And by the way, the only abusive PMs I've ever seen are from EDL/BNP supporters on here who don't have the bottle to do it openly! :D


John X

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It's not a question of agreeing or not agreeing it's an attempt to understand why you still adhere to such an outdated attitude in 2011!


And by the way, the only abusive PMs I've ever seen are from EDL/BNP supporters on here who don't have the bottle to do it openly! :D


John X


'cough' - my 'outdated attitude' is your opinion, do you get that? your opinion ?

I'm sure there's more like me around, come on johnny :)

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cheers chubbs ill tell them about the pig and the blow up doll one day lol. but all you have done is give ammo to bleeding liberals, im up my own ass, im cleverer than you, know it alls lie boyfriday


..always happy to oblige when people talk illiterate nonsense cleanup :thumbsup:

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I think you'll find its the UAF and MAC that smash towns up when EDL are present. Or so the police have said.

David Copeland was a one person/one off isolated incident, not a gang of like minded anti gay muslims.

Yes those same Italians that mutilated Mussolinis corpse for dragging them into a war which the people did not want.


But you get my point 0114?


Criminal/anti social/undemocratic behaviour isn't the preserve of the people you denounce.


From my own life experience I know I'm wrong often enough when I form stereotypical opinions about groups of people to realise the generalisation is misplaced.

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Because most of them insist on dragging this nation back 700 years?:roll:


Well you can't be living in the same nation I am, who are these people dragging you back 700 years and in what way are they doing/achieving it?

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David Copeland left the BNP disillusioned by the lack of 'Revolutionary Violence'.


Copeland was a troubled individual who threw his lot in with the 'State Plant'


David Myatt who became Copeland's mentor in the lead up to the bombings was of course given a free pass by his 'State Handlers'.


Myatt later 'converted to Islam' and once again did the State's bidding trying to set up 'Islamic terrorism'.


The point is Copeland was a white, nationalist terrorist-the nationalists seem to believe such a thing doesn't exist.


Myatt was a celebrated white nationalist and nutcase as many are so it's hardly surprising he doesn't know his arse from his elbow (he's now no longer a Muslim either) although as we well know there's little difference in philosophy between extreme nationalists and Islamists.


Morning BP btw.

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because its diluting british traditions, values and ethics so the identity of the country is lost...........actually its already lost imo:gag:


What are these traditions, values and ethics?


I bet whatever your answer is they were all to some extent created and shaped by immigrants or their offspring.

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The fact is that they think these causes are more important than elderly and disabled people here. Its a fact...


I disagree Frank Sidney, the fact is no one in this country should die of starvation or hypothermia. My grandmother is a frail, very elderly lady but receives an income, winter fuel allowance and the support of home helps and free medical care on demand.


Conversely there are children dying in this crazy world because they have no access to any of the above.


If my giving them a tenner a month makes a material difference then I'm delighted to do so, if the elderly of this country were in a similar position-I'd give another tenner, it's not about either/or.

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if you need it explaining then there is really no point! maybe we were/are a mongrel nation but the extent to which that is growing now is not healthy! we have lost any real identity now and are descending into a situation where something will give, which nobody wants, maybe not this year or the next but certainly within 10 years.:(


We have lost any real identity? Do you attend a Christian church? Do you celebrate Christmas or St George's Day? What about the England football team? Eat fish & chips? Wear a knotted handkerchief on your head when you go on holiday?


Sorry but I'm fishing for what this 'identity' might be and how anyone is preventing you from associating yourself with it.

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