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Whats going on - I wanna scream !

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Me I try to think for myself as much as possible but then I have to deal with feckwads like you and your quasi intelligence.


Well please Streamline try to keep your thinking for yourself-to yourself :hihi:

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= ignore everything that doesnt fit in with your narrow minded warped views?


care to enlighten me on british culture and where we came from then?


Save for anybody else to tell you what it is, why don't you find out yourself? You could start with a walk around Whitby unless you walk around with your eyes shut and fingers in your ears. :lol:

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There are arguments on both sides of course but the facts are that the ruling classes and their followers prefer to give money to overseas causes than those here in England. The fact is that they think these causes are more important than elderly and disabled people here. Its a fact...


Thats just not true. We spend far more on ourselves than we send overseas! We help people here that in the countries we give aid to would be considered very privileged.

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Then let them die and decrease the surplus population.






Absolutely, and let's let the old who can't afford or are unable to look after themselves die as well. Oh, and while we are at it we could save even more money by allowing the sick to pay for their own care or die. In fact why not go the whole hog and just go back to the Tenth Century! If you are so concerned about the health of the elderly why don't you go to a local care home and offer to volunteer some of your, no doubt, valuable time. It's called the 'big society' we all do voluntary work replacing all those paid employees and saving government, and businesses, lots of money they can spend on ... pensions for MP's!

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'cough' - my 'outdated attitude' is your opinion, do you get that? your opinion ?

I'm sure there's more like me around, come on johnny :)


I'm sure there are, but hopefully in diminishing numbers.


The old days have gone and they will not return. That is a fact, not an opinion. The world is different now and we face a whole load of new challenges. We can only do that by looking to the future, not the past. You may sit in your corner thinking wistfully of the old days when beer was 3/6d a pint, you only saw white faces, women knew their place and homosexuality was illegal but those days will not return.


And that is fact not opinion. Don't waste your time wishing for something that has gone and will never return! :(


Look to the future. :)


John X

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Absolutely, and let's let the old who can't afford or are unable to look after themselves die as well. Oh, and while we are at it we could save even more money by allowing the sick to pay for their own care or die. In fact why not go the whole hog and just go back to the Tenth Century! If you are so concerned about the health of the elderly why don't you go to a local care home and offer to volunteer some of your, no doubt, valuable time. It's called the 'big society' we all do voluntary work replacing all those paid employees and saving government, and businesses, lots of money they can spend on ... pensions for MP's!


That was a literary reference....and hopefully a joke!

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