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Public Sector Strikes

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But you are happy at the bankers, the PFI merchants, the private equity firms, the hedge funds, the speculators and spivs walking off with millions stuffed in their back pockets?


Why should someone lose their job because of people like them?


You complain about interest rates...home owners would say to you "welcome to the real world" as they can probably remember interest rates of 15 % in the 80's.


Why does everyone seem to want the lowest common denominator......"that bloke over there scrabbling in the muck only makes 3p an hour, why can't everyone work for that?"


We CAN afford to care for the elderly

We CAN afford decent public services

We CAN afford decent wages to teachers, nurses, police etc

We CAN afford investment into industry and construction

We CAN afford decent hospitals and schools


We just have to prioritise, it's a choice Government has to make.


The government has made its choice. It is taking money from all of us to pay for the mistakes of their banker friends

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The 'selfish' public sector run society. The private sector exists only to make money for the enjoyment of money.
I think you missed one or two causal relationships, there...:hihi:


But, that being the case. How do we ensure that we are treated fairly?
That depends on what you define as 'fairly': I'm pretty sure that's going to vary at any given point in time (in times of plenty vs in times of recession), between every last individual, and between the private and public sector.


To debate and consider the issue for achieving an effect, any effect, you have to take the global view (including all surrounding factors, particularly financials) and can't afford case-by-case review, as that would just be uneconomic, therefore counter-productive.


As I've posted earlier, currently there's not enough money projected to come in through taxation, and borrowing more is out of the question, so the outlay has to be reined in. Taxation is generally up, for both the private and the public sector, but the private sector has given and is giving pretty much all it has to give, so it's the public sector's turn. That is equitable, i.e. 'fair'. As and when the books are balanced and a surplus returns, then it will be fair for public sector workers to strike for a better deal, if the then-Gvt does not improve their lot from where it took it down to.

Any decision taken now will never be reversed.
That's not true and you know it. The next Labour Gvt will see to it, as they did the last time around, and the last time before that , and... you know how the cycle works ;) Might not be an outright reversal, but new policies having the net effect of reversing. As usual.
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The 'selfish' public sector run society. The private sector exists only to make money for the enjoyment of money. Unions are run by elected leaders and strikes are conducted on the basis of democratic ballots, completely unlike the private sector.


I would think most people work because they want and enjoy money regardless of whether they work in the private or public sector. The difference between the two is that it’s the private sector that pays for the public sector to provide services to society, but there comes a point where the private sector can no longer afford the bill and cuts have to be made, unfortunately those cuts have to be in the public sector which the private sector pays for.

Some on here seem the think everyone in the private sector is a banker, we are not we work hard just like you and we have had to make some sacrifices because of the country’s problems.

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So you only believe in democracy when it suits you and when you agree with the winning team.


Just checking.


No I don't support our system at all; I will only support it fully when we have PR.

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I would think most people work because they want and enjoy money regardless of whether they work in the private or public sector. The difference between the two is that it’s the private sector that pays for the public sector to provide services to society, but there comes a point where the private sector can no longer afford the bill and cuts have to be made, unfortunately those cuts have to be in the public sector which the private sector pays for.

Some on here seem the think everyone in the private sector is a banker, we are not we work hard just like you and we have had to make some sacrifices because of the country’s problems.


At the moment it's the public sector that pays for the private sector to provide services to society. The banks virtually bankrupted us and received a slap on the wrist while the peasants pay sky high VAT and their money props up the champagne swillers.


I work in the private sector now but remember the world of the civil service, endless vacancies and people in London piddling along on 20k a year on the expactation they had stability and a pension provided by that quaint olde thing called a contract. Meanwhile party bores assumed that every civil servant was a Sir Humphrey on a million a week for doing nowt.

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No I don't support our system at all; I will only support it fully when we have PR.


It's comedy hour. That will never happen here as the recent referendum showed. Perhaps you should move to Italy which plainly has a far superior political system.

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At the moment it's the public sector that pays for the private sector to provide services to society. The banks virtually bankrupted us and received a slap on the wrist while the peasants pay sky high VAT and their money props up the champagne swillers.


I work in the private sector now but remember the world of the civil service, endless vacancies and people in London piddling along on 20k a year on the expactation they had stability and a pension provided by that quaint olde thing called a contract. Meanwhile party bores assumed that every civil servant was a Sir Humphrey on a million a week for doing nowt.


No it isn't, the public sector don't pay for anything, they are given money by the private sector to spend on services, although they spend the money it’s the private sector that gives them the money to spend.

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It's comedy hour. That will never happen here as the recent referendum showed. Perhaps you should move to Italy which plainly has a far superior political system.

There wasn't a referendum on PR and I know the main parties don't support it and won't give us a referendum on it, which why I don't support the system.

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I agree. We have to stand up to these unelected multi millionnaires who are taking money from us all in order to pay for the mistakes of their banker freinds...who pay nothing.


If we don't stand up to them they will destroy all our services, cut wages and jobs while they still live their millionnaire lifestyle.


Who,in government,is unelected? Who gave the money to the banks?

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