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Public Sector Strikes

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Private sector ? Get in a Union. If you want a decent pension, pay into one. Self employed ? No sick pay or benefits ? Try paying income tax like employed do on PAYE. Stop claiming allowance for every little thing you have to buy. ( Can i have a receipt for this, that and the other. )

The Union members don,t want to strike, but they have to stand up for their rights. All in this together ? HA !

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are you for real? I didn't say they don't get sick pay!?!?!? Are you just trying to be argumentative for the sake of it or do you believe what you are saying? Where does your information come from?


I have worked in some crap jobs since leaving school but why do them? Hmmm a tricky one that.................oh right to get paid!


Yes we get an amazing pension..........oh wait we don't.


So where do your facts come from Easty? Seriously do you know first hand? Have you read them? Did a man down the working mens tell you it?


I will pass on your words of wisdom to the millions of workers who aren't completely happy with their working conditions.


"Eastbank says don't do it if you don't like it"


Great advice


but you get a pension wether its good or not....other than the state one.....

you get paid even when off sick.....

you are now unhappy because this new government are making cuts....

and it is effecting the public sector.....how come nobody else is striking.....

the cuts will come....no matter how many millions walk out....its only for one day....eastbank says.....life's not fair......

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Private sector ? Get in a Union. If you want a decent pension, pay into one. Self employed ? No sick pay or benefits ? Try paying income tax like employed do on PAYE. Stop claiming allowance for every little thing you have to buy. ( Can i have a receipt for this, that and the other. )

The Union members don,t want to strike, but they have to stand up for their rights. All in this together ? HA !



most people do buy into a pension.....don't get a freebie government one....we are all in this together.....but some are having a jolly on the 30th of june....

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but you get a pension wether its good or not....other than the state one.....


So what?


you get paid even when off sick.....


As do most people, and those that don't should.


you are now unhappy because this new government are making cuts....

and it is effecting the public sector.....how come nobody else is striking.....


It doesn't take an Einstein to work out it is because the cuts are targeted at the public sector. You appear to be lacking somewhat...


the cuts will come....no matter how many millions walk out....its only for one day....eastbank says.....life's not fair......


Life will never be fair unless people stand up for themselves and what is right.


most people do buy into a pension.....don't get a freebie government one....we are all in this together.....but some are having a jolly on the 30th of june....


Taking a day to picket and strike for which they receive no pay in the circumstances is hardly a jolly.


You seems to be frothing a bit, you can't really be so stupid as to think you are making intelligent points?

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This thread is a total waste of time, the public sector workers are too selfish or stupid, perhaps both, to work out that we have all been landed in the brown stuff by the last administration.


I just wish that I could meet a public sector worker who actually realises that he/she is in the mix with rest of us. They have very little credibility left these days, striking will put the final nail in their coffin.


The flight to Tehran from Heathrow awaits you.

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So what?




As do most people, and those that don't should.




It doesn't take an Einstein to work out it is because the cuts are targeted at the public sector. You appear to be lacking somewhat...




Life will never be fair unless people stand up for themselves and what is right.


well thats good then.....if they are targetting the public sector...they are leaving the rest of us alone.....mind you the beer has just gone up again...so all is not well.....everyone out....

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This thread is a total waste of time, the public sector workers are too selfish or stupid, perhaps both, to work out that we have all been landed in the brown stuff by the last administration.


I just wish that I could meet a public sector worker who actually realises that he/she is in the mix with rest of us. They have very little credibility left these days, striking will put the final nail in their coffin.


If everyone was in the same mess then everyone's pensions would have been targeted and everyone would be facing the pay restraint public sector worker's are. Private sector pay deals are around 4%... devaluing the public sector ultimately means worse services for all, and ultimately lower pay for all as private sector pay gets compared with public in pay negotiations.


Defend the Tories all you want, buy in to the propaganda it was Gordon Brown's fault for the global banking crisis and public sector pay and jobs should be at the forefront of paying those debts off..... but don't be surprised most people don't buy it and can see these attacks are ideological attacks on all workers to capitalise on and distract from the real cause of the crisis..... the banking institutions that back the Tories.

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well thats good then.....if they are targetting the public sector...they are leaving the rest of us alone.....mind you the beer has just gone up again...so all is not well.....everyone out....


Ohh don' be so sure of that... public sector pay goes down... then private sector pay will follow later because they compare the two in pay bargaining.... everyone with less money means less people paying contractors like yourself.. less beer money to befuddle your brain that however might not be such a bad thing.

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So you do consider the public sector deserves superior rights to that of private sector workers, thanks for confirming my fears.


So you think all women should wear burqas!


We can all play that game... it gets us nowhere.


I know you didn't say anything like that.... but then Mr Prime said nothing remotely like the words you have put in his mouth.

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