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Public Sector Strikes

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No he just went to court for calling an illegal strike.:)

And now they are talking about bringing in new laws to make striking even harder, why dont they just say "Its illegal to strike...end off".....they are trying to take away our basic human rights....

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We're in deep (ahem) **** here in the UK, and striking will not help matters.


Why can't people accept this, and bite the bullet until we turn the economy round?


If you can't go on your foreign holiday, or buy a new car for a few years, so what? It's not the end of the world.


Let's just back off until the economy recovers.


And if you don't like your union leaders, and their salaries and expenses, vote them out. If you can't, you're in the minority.


And lets keep giving the bosses and bankers the big fat bonuses :huh::huh:

I think you have been listening to all the tory crap for too long :huh:

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And now they are talking about bringing in new laws to make striking even harder, why dont they just say "Its illegal to strike...end off".....they are trying to take away our basic human rights....


Which human right is that then?

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And now they are talking about bringing in new laws to make striking even harder, why dont they just say "Its illegal to strike...end off".....they are trying to take away our basic human rights....


He didn’t break the government rules he broke the union rules, he should have balloted all members as one union but he knew there wouldn’t get the majority wanting to strike, so he balloted each area then used the striking areas to force the non striking areas out of work.

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I can't see it here......:confused:


Your human rights are:


•the right to life

•freedom from torture and degrading treatment

•freedom from slavery and forced labour

•the right to liberty

•the right to a fair trial

•the right not to be punished for something that wasn't a crime when you did it

•the right to respect for private and family life

•freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom to express your beliefs

•freedom of expression

•freedom of assembly and association

•the right to marry and to start a family

•the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms

•the right to peaceful enjoyment of your property

•the right to an education

•the right to participate in free elections

•the right not to be subjected to the death penalty



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And lets keep giving the bosses and bankers the big fat bonuses :huh::huh:

I think you have been listening to all the tory crap for too long :huh:


Errm bosses get the biggest bonuses because they are the boss. They make the decisions and have the overall responsibility. If you dont like that work harder and become one yourself.


As sensibly confirmed above a right to strike is not a human right neither is there any automatic right to have a job be grateful you have one and get on with it.

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He didn’t break the government rules he broke the union rules, he should have balloted all members as one union but he knew there wouldn’t get the majority wanting to strike, so he balloted each area then used the striking areas to force the non striking areas out of work.

I am talking about the NEW laws that are being discussed to clamp down on striking..

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