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Public Sector Strikes

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Violence does win through. The police thugs used it with great success at Orgreave. It was violence that won the day in the polltax demonstrations too.

WW2 was won violently. It is silly to presume that violence does not pay.

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but they won more seats than the others so they still had a majority


And they could have formed a government, albeit a minority one.


There should not be a strike without a clear majority not a minor fluctuation.


In your opinion; unfortunately for you, the law disagrees.

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contracts get changed all the time....one footballer as had his ripped up...he was on 80 grand a week...now he is only on 40.....thats a loss of 2 million on the year...


That is not changing a contract, that is sacking. You cannot change a contract without agreement on both sides.

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I'm pretty confident that won't be the case tomorrow.


It wasn't the violence that tipped the balance in the poll tax dispute anyway, or the miners would have won the 1984 strike, hands down. The moral argument was the source of the victory in the poll tax protests. I'm hoping that my union leaders can get that out, loud and clear tomorrow. There is a lot of background chatter to cut through first though.


Just in case you were wondering, I know that you are trolling, but I thought you might like a sensible reply:)


Probably not tomorrow but it's coming, whether it goes like Greece or not is a different matter.

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What do the public sector strikers hope to achieve? Do they think that by going on strike the government will magically find a big bag of money that will enable the taxpayer to fund their gold plated pensions and enable them to retire in their 50s?


Just accept it, there's a financial downturn, we're all going to be worse off and will have to work longer for less, whether we're in the public or private sector.


Yeah? Well how come we increased foreign aid? How come the MP gravy train is keeping rolling, what about their public pensions, how many of them actually need a pension whether a public one or not? It's a case of do as i say not do as I do.

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I just wish that I could meet a public sector worker who actually realises that he/she is in the mix with rest of us. They have very little credibility left these days, striking will put the final nail in their coffin.


If it's a foregone conclusion that strikes won't solve anything, you won't mind if they striked then would you? Afterall, it would be their own fault.

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