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Public Sector Strikes

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:hihi: I agree with you that Milliband and Balls are anything but idiots.


Well I never said anything of the sort, but your words seem to suggest that Milliband and Balls are useless misguided politicians who are way out of their depth.

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I hope you teachers are happy you have killed a young child!


Seriously I can't believe even the Daily Mail have tried to work that angle with the story. It is a terrible thing to happen but don't just report it for a cheap shot.


Someone at the DM got the jitters, the headline has just been reworded slightly.

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Daily Telegraph is now running the same story with a similar slant . I think the PCC website could be taking a few hits today




Unbelievable. Why didn't the girl's parents make her stay at home and study to make up for lost time in the classroom? Never mind the Daily Liar trying to blame the teachers.

I note that the park in which the branch fell on the unfortunate girl is in Tory controlled Peterbrough, and that the council had, had repeated warnings about the safety of the tree!

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Unbelievable. Why didn't the girl's parents make her stay at home and study to make up for lost time in the classroom? Never mind the Daily Liar trying to blame the teachers.

I note that the park in which the branch fell on the unfortunate girl is in Tory controlled Peterbrough, and that the council had, had repeated warnings about the safety of the tree!



so its maggies fault now then......did the country come to a grinding halt yesterday.....because i spent the whole day on some industrial land in manchester fighting the police....did anything like this happen in london...it usually does...

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I note that the park in which the branch fell on the unfortunate girl is in Tory controlled Peterbrough, and that the council had, had repeated warnings about the safety of the tree!


You and the Daily Mail would make excellent bedfellows.

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