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Which religion is the most far-fetched?

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Why just pick on the mormons, l have met a good few of them and they are the most generous of people. As for what they believe in thats up to them same as any other religians

'Just pick on the mormons' :huh: So far as I can tell Scientology has been the main religion 'picked on' in the thread.


As for Mormons being 'the most generous of people' well I suppose it was 'generosity' of kind which led a Utah based organisation to spend many millions to deny homosexuals in California their rights.

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As for Mormons being 'the most generous of people' well I suppose it was 'generosity' of kind which led a Utah based organisation to spend many millions to deny homosexuals in California their rights.


hear hear!

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I don't think Scientology is more far-fetched than the other religions. It's certainly less believable, but only because we know the founder was a sci-fi writer.



And not a very good sci-fi writer at that.


Well, the stuff that he wrote might not have been the best, but (unlike most other writers) he carried on writing and publishing his work for many years after he died.:hihi:

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Does Scientology count as a religion though, what defines it as a religion rather than a cult

Small & unpopular religions are pejoratively called 'cults', that doesn't mean they aren't religions.


or just an "organisation" like the Free Masons ?

Scientology has a creation myth (even if its more science fiction as opposed to the usual fantasy fiction), a collection of beliefs and practices which should be followed to achieve personal salvation... how is it not a religion?

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