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Paris Night Club racial door policy?

ip man

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I've seen guys refused entry to Paris on maybe 2 of the 5 times I've been, with no real consistency. Always weekday/student nights.


Once, two of my male friends (both white, skinny, typical young student lads) couldn't go in because of their white high-end trainers. My two girl friends and I had already gone through and paid, and once in we saw plenty of similar shoes, espadrilles and even converse.

Then the other time I was with my bf and his friend, both normal skinny 'indie' lads but in lightweight parkas (which they were planning to put in the cloak room - the weather was ****e). We got to the front and the bouncer said '2 in'. As there were three of us, we said we'd let those behind us through first, but instead the bouncer went 'step aside guys', said something about their coats and kicked my two male friends out the queue, pretty much ending our night.


I just think they have a strange attitude there? The dress code once we're in has never seemed strict, as I mentioned before I've seen very casual footwear, all kinds of tshirts and jeans. They just pick and choose depending on the mood they're in that night.

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On 3 visits (weeks apart) to paris night club/Sheffield my two sons who are mixed race are refused entry, when they've gone with a caucasian friend, he is allowed through, they are refused with feeble excuses (' your wearing stripes so cant come in' ). It's 2011, to make it worse, on 2 of those occasions one of the doormen was black.


My boys are well mannered, well groomed, polite, currently at uni, good natured etc, me and my mates experienced this kind of behaviour 20 yrs ago, didn't think clubs still had racial door policies (if there's 2 or more black/mixed race guys queing, they get refused). What am i supposed to tell them? There are only a limited number of bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield.


I'm trying to find out if other clubs/bars in sheffield have a similar door policy where they will only let in a limited number of black people, if so i intend to make them known to the wider public, after gathering evidence, and intend to take legal action if after taking legal advice, there is a strong possibility of success, as it's unacceptable. It's ok to play black music in these clubs but not acceptable for black customers to gain entry, it's clearly all very subtle.


If you have witnessed or been a victim of such behaviour at Paris club in Sheffield or any other bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield please let me know in detail.







"dont worry about it i was refused entry there, it's the same doorteam as nocturnal used to have & they wouldnt let any fooker in there !! waste of time even tryin sometimes, i didnt rise to it, i just walked on and spent my money elsewhere !! it's their way of keepin the numbers down = less hassle for them if anything kicks off !! doormen dont care how many people come in that club or bar they will still get the same wages for a half filled club !! i bet if ya got there earlier they'd have let them all in and some other poor respectable person would have been refused entry later on, doubt this is a race issue !!

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Derek from sepultura

Lenny Kravitz


Phil Lynott

Chuck Berry (you could argue he was blues really, but there's an argument he was rock)



There's loads out there.


That lead singer bloke from Block Party.

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doormen dont care how many people come in that club or bar they will still get the same wages for a half filled club!!!!


not really true isit? ... the busier the club/bar is the more door staff that are needed, therefore if they stop people coming in for no reason less of them will get the hours each week

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In living Colour

Faith no mores lead vocalist



Certain guy called Jimi Hendrix


While i acknowledge that the number of non white musicians in the rock (i presume you are meaning just rock. Not rock n roll) is very low it still doesnt mean that the music is made purely for skinny white guys with 80's style poodle perms


Mike Patton is black shocka!!


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not really true isit? ... the busier the club/bar is the more door staff that are needed, therefore if they stop people coming in for no reason less of them will get the hours each week


in hindsight it's not true no (not supposed to be that way) but most clubs i've worked at and in rotherham also certain doorteams would rather deal with a less filled club, thats fact as knew them personally, it's more of a prevention thing and also they used to run other doors in the same area and swap between clubs and bars !! like the club i worked at was well known for fighting due to the music policy we had !! it was a handfull and i tried to change it round on numerous occasions but management didnt listen, it was all competition in the same area with another rival club, look where it got them, it's closed now, thank god !!

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in hindsight it's not true no (not supposed to be that way) but most clubs i've worked at and in rotherham also certain doorteams would rather deal with a less filled club, thats fact as knew them personally, it's more of a prevention thing and also they used to run other doors in the same area and swap between clubs and bars !! like the club i worked at was well known for fighting due to the music policy we had !! it was a handfull and i tried to change it round on numerous occasions but management didnt listen, it was all competition in the same area with another rival club, look where it got them, it's closed now, thank god !!


Daz? :hihi: (Linz)


It is true, they pick and choose who they let in, the less people in the club, the less trouble, and in general, the more women, and less blokes, less trouble. If you go on your own, rather than a group, much more chance of being let in. If they just don't want you in, they will make a daft excuse not to let you in. They still get paid their £10 per hour whether the clubs empty or not. The less work they need to do for their £10, the better. Of course there are the ones who like a bit of trouble and kicking you out, better to be refused for a stupid reason than kicked out later and given a beating for nowt ;)

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Daz? :hihi: (Linz)


It is true, they pick and choose who they let in, the less people in the club, the less trouble, and in general, the more women, and less blokes, less trouble. If you go on your own, rather than a group, much more chance of being let in. If they just don't want you in, they will make a daft excuse not to let you in. They still get paid their £10 per hour whether the clubs empty or not. The less work they need to do for their £10, the better. Of course there are the ones who like a bit of trouble and kicking you out, better to be refused for a stupid reason than kicked out later and given a beating for nowt ;)


my covers been blown !!

you ok ;-)

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