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Paris Night Club racial door policy?

ip man

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When I used to go to Orchis, which i believe is now Paris, the most of the customers were black, they played 'black' music, and attracted a huge black crowd.


Unless they are completely trying to overhaul the club, and change its image totally, and make it known that the old crowd is no longer welcome, I can't see them having any racist policies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was in Napoleons a few years ago and they were serving a Chinese buffet, when everyone had queued they seperated the line in to white and Chinese, saying they should be served first as they were Chinese, when questioned if this was done on English Breakfast buffet night they said 'it is our club and we will do what we want'


Haven't been back since.


possibly because dave allen owner of napoleans is terrified of upsetting the chinese who can wear anything in there ,weve seen them in flip flops ,the last time he fell out with them they all went to g casino and he wasn,t a happy chappie so he will let them do whet ever they want to keep them,its the chinese that keep his casino going thats why they get free food ,always been that way same at bonapartes

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On 3 visits (weeks apart) to paris night club/Sheffield my two sons who are mixed race are refused entry, when they've gone with a caucasian friend, he is allowed through, they are refused with feeble excuses (' your wearing stripes so cant come in' ). It's 2011, to make it worse, on 2 of those occasions one of the doormen was black.


My boys are well mannered, well groomed, polite, currently at uni, good natured etc, me and my mates experienced this kind of behaviour 20 yrs ago, didn't think clubs still had racial door policies (if there's 2 or more black/mixed race guys queing, they get refused). What am i supposed to tell them? There are only a limited number of bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield.


I'm trying to find out if other clubs/bars in sheffield have a similar door policy where they will only let in a limited number of black people, if so i intend to make them known to the wider public, after gathering evidence, and intend to take legal action if after taking legal advice, there is a strong possibility of success, as it's unacceptable. It's ok to play black music in these clubs but not acceptable for black customers to gain entry, it's clearly all very subtle.


If you have witnessed or been a victim of such behaviour at Paris club in Sheffield or any other bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield please let me know in detail.


hhmmm i wonder if they are well groomed, polite,good natured when they arrive at paris having been all around the city ,and what does uni have to do with the character of someone ,the reputation of students in the city on a night is far from that ,and to try and get support for your race card issue is out of order,as the doorstaff may have been

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Is there "white music" too ?

What other colours are there ?


'green' music- that would be played by conservasionists like Midnight Oil in Australia

'Pink' music for the gays (especially in the 'pink triangle' in Edinburgh.

'White' for folk - regional folk- not Carpenters type music. :hihi:

I. Guess I would like 'grey' music, because I like rock :D

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So your kids were refused entry for a reason given (which is probably in line with the policy. what labels were they wearing) I assume their friend was not wearing the same clothes yet you wish to turn this into a racist door policy. your argument is rather weakened by the fact that it was afro carribean door staff who refused them.#


"It's 2011, to make it worse, on 2 of those occasions one of the doormen was black." Why does that make it worse? you trying to make out that the brothers wouldnt let your kids in because the white man say so? Because the way you have typed it then you it is certainly coming across that way


I've been refused entry before for wearing certain labels and clothes. The venue was playing pop/r'n'b, does that make it an anti white door policy?


Take legal action and waste peoples time becuase your kids got refused entry to a licensed venue? did they get refused anywhere else that night? if every bar turned them away you may have a point.


Why do they try to get back into a venue after been turned away twice? Why not ring the venue asking what the policy is on clothing so you can advise your lads what to wear and what not to wear.


Do you really think the door staff of venues in sheffield have 2 clickers on them to count the white / non white population of the venue and a big flashing sign pops up to say "no more blacks?" again that is what you are insinuating with "I'm trying to find out if other clubs/bars in sheffield have a similar door policy where they will only let in a limited number of black people,"


"It's ok to play black music in these clubs but not acceptable for black customers to gain entry, it's clearly all very subtle." - What????????? Im not even getting into the whole "what is black music" discussion but that has to rank as one of the most stupid posts ive seen this year. Whats subtle? Venues only want white people in? so i take it that despite Paris having "black" dj's and "black" doorman it has a secretive plan to reduce its profits by refusing to allow a substantial amount of the ethnic makeup of the clubbing population of Sheffield entry to the venue?


Or perhaps your lads just didnt have on what was acceptable to that particular venue and were refused entry. You sure you got the full story from them?


Why not ring the venue and ask for clarification but to talk about taking legal advice and action against venues in Sheffield, what would you hope to seek? What outcome are you looking for with that?

very well said red robbo,the problem we have now is that we are in a compensation culture ,she is obviously drumming up support to lay a claim on them for racial discrimination,and knowing solicitors like irwin mitchells ,who chase ambulances about ,pen and paper in hand ,they may get a result
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On 3 visits (weeks apart) to paris night club/Sheffield my two sons who are mixed race are refused entry, when they've gone with a caucasian friend, he is allowed through, they are refused with feeble excuses (' your wearing stripes so cant come in' ). It's 2011, to make it worse, on 2 of those occasions one of the doormen was black.


My boys are well mannered, well groomed, polite, currently at uni, good natured etc, me and my mates experienced this kind of behaviour 20 yrs ago, didn't think clubs still had racial door policies (if there's 2 or more black/mixed race guys queing, they get refused). What am i supposed to tell them? There are only a limited number of bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield.


I'm trying to find out if other clubs/bars in sheffield have a similar door policy where they will only let in a limited number of black people, if so i intend to make them known to the wider public, after gathering evidence, and intend to take legal action if after taking legal advice, there is a strong possibility of success, as it's unacceptable. It's ok to play black music in these clubs but not acceptable for black customers to gain entry, it's clearly all very subtle.


If you have witnessed or been a victim of such behaviour at Paris club in Sheffield or any other bars/clubs in centre of Sheffield please let me know in detail.


I think its a good Idea just imagine if everybody turned up in stripes ,bleeding "stripe night's" every week .thank god somebodys got good taste

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  • 1 month later...

I go to Paris regularly in the week and I have only seen people (all races) who are causing trouble or with a group causing trouble refused entry. I only ever go into this venue with a group of friends that are mainly black or ethnic and have never had any problems...I think door staff in general are a law unto themselves and although I'm not naive enough to believe that there is no racial discrimination on the doors of bars and clubs at all, I think it is a wider problem of the attitudes of bouncers themselves....that said it always helps to be polite and well turned out....most decent bars and clubs do have a strict dress policy....in london wearing the wrong footwear on a weekend causes a refusal of entry more times than not.

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