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Hinde House School 1963 -1966

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Whatever happened to the likely lads ? Brian Barker and Michael Sawiski .Transferred from Owler Lane School to Hinde House School 1963 to 1966 .A police officer informed us that we were banned from ever setting foot on those hallowed grounds after a prank on school grounds when we had left .

Remember this was a time of major social and sexual revolution .The Beatles ,Rolling Stones ,Bob Dylan .Hammer Films ,Girls ,Booze .Yeah I know we did not contribute much to society ,just lived it . Let me indulge you in some incidents and observations during those years .

Remember Martin Staniforth ,english teacher .One of the new young generation of teachers .What a revelation and inspiration .I salute you sir .

Mr. Hill was my form teacher .We did not get on .One day he asked me what type of job i wanted when i left school .I replied i did not want a job .In my final year school report book he wrote that down so that I could show it to any future employer .Nice guy .


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  • 2 months later...

Hinde House School 1963-1966 PART TWO .All those long hot summers went by so fast .Mr Hill sent me to be caned by Mr Pemberton ,who was the assistant headmaster .He told me to hold my hand out to be caned .I refused (naughty boy) .His face turned crimson and he retorted if I did not comply he would call the school inspector and summons my parents .I declined his offer .He said that for my insolence I would remain after school for detention .Again I disagreed with him (cheeky boy) .The ultimate threat was stated .I would be hauled in front of the prince of darkness himself Mr Edwards the headmaster and suffer the consequences .I stormed out of his study .My parents attended a meeting with Mr Hill ,Mr Pemberton and Mr Edwards .Good things must have been said about me because nothing more became of the incident (lucky sod) .I do not recall the name of one of the female english teachers whom we nick named 'the neck' .She accused me of leading the class astray so that I could obtain a higher mark for the mock examination .I was bemused because I came ninth .Another time during one of her lessons I had unknotted my tie and she noticed this .The vitriol she hurled at me about my attitude was disconcerting (poor boy) .Part 3 will be submitted in the near future for example why were we banned from school after we had left and the drawing pins accidently-not-placed on a certain teachers chair (wicked boys) .However for the time being I will end with the following .It was the summer of 1966 .I was sat in the assembly hall taking one of my GCSe exams .I filled in my name and did not proceed with the exam .Why ?The 'times are a chang'in so was I .I extracted myself from the examination room and left school for the last time walking into obscurity but life does not turn out like that .(happy days)

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Hinde House School 1963-1966 PART THREE .Brian Barker and Michael Sawiski .Whatever happened to you .Whatever happened to me. What became of the likely lads .Mr Ridgeway ,Emperor Nero incarnate .His first point of attack ,verbal humiliation .Choice of weapon ,throwing the chalkboard rubber at pupils .Your defence ,answer back and then accept your punishment (brave lads) .This lovely man was my technical drawing teacher .During one of his lessons ,yes thats correct ,the board rubber was thrown at me bouncing off my shoulder .As best as I can recall the following conversation ensued .Mr R "Have I woke you up" .ME "I was not asleep" .Mr R "If you was not asleep the rubber would have missed you" .ME "Yes Sir" .Mr R "Your hair has grown over your ears .Has it made you deaf" .ME "No Sir" .Mr R "You look like a english sheepdog .Is that the fashion these days" .ME "It is the fashion for me Sir" .Mr R "What do your parents think of their girl/boy" .Laughter in the classroom .Emperor Nero was on a roll here .Where was he trying to go with this ?Eventually he got his quota of laughs which cheered him up (Romes Burning) and the lesson continued .That was Mr Ridgeway (great guy) .I cannot remember the name of my P.E. teacher except that he looked like a young Kirk Douglas ,the actor .I do not have much to say about P.E. lessons .I only attended about eight during my last year at school .Thats why I am still fit and healthy .I used to sneak out of school and go home .I was never reported missing (mirage lad) .I have postponed why we were banned from school and the drawing pins incidents .One day I wil recount the missing pieces .Here are some pupils I remember;Richard Lipman-great fun ,married young .Richard Hanson-Jamaican ,loved tv Perry Mason .Wanted to become a lawyer .Steve Marshall-body builder ,tough .Elisabeth Hull whose boyfriend at the time was a biker .Barry...ginger hair ,jovial character .I hope some of my school day memoirs have amused you .For the time being STAY FOREVER YOUNG .

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