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Memorable Evening In My Vanguard!

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I used to own a Standard Vanguard in the early 60s,I did a thread about it some time back,this particular evening I went on a night out with my present girlfriend.I took her to the Strines Inn Derbyshire,in the afternoon before I washed the car,as I leathered the rear window it jammed ,I used too much force and broke the winder which dropped down.I did a quick fix jamming it up with a piece of wood,anyway leaving the pub on this cold winters night we parked up on the moor,I left the engine running,the heater full on and Radio Luxemburg on the radio.We were in the back seat discussing Darwins theory of origin when there was a thud,the wood fell into the door,the window shot down and a force 9 snowstorm hit my glutinous maximus nearly giving me heart failiure.Still my memorable evening wasn,t done yet,on our way home at the Rivelin Post office I took the left turn,I was doing only 40mph because of black ice,as the road curved the car went into a spin turning completely round twice,coming to a halt facing back from where we came,the car escaped any damaged so I drove my lady home.As she got out she looked a little shook up,I couldn,t understand why,when I take em out they get an evening to remember!.:hihi::hihi::huh::roll:

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