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Martha Wainwright at The Plug 6/11


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Anyone else see Martha Wainwright at The Plug tonight? What a talented woman, saw her at The Room in May, but this was even better, the sound quality was so much better.


The French song she performed at the end was fantastic, and a great rendition of Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out as well.


"How's the cutlery industry? I see a lot of plastic spoons around, you want to watch out for that..." :lol:

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Yeah, just got back. Fantastic as always. The sound is really excellent at The Plug. Her rendition of Dis Quand Reviendras Tu is fabulous - my fave.


Saw Explosions in the Sky there last week and they sound then was also superb.


Went on Friday night though also and it was a seedy den of iniquity so i think i'll stick to the gigs.

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Well she did say you can download it Barney_T ;)


4th time seeing her now, saw her support Rufus at the Octagon, saw her at Night and Day in Manchester, at The Room and now at The Plug. Good sound at The Plug but my favorite so far has to be the Night and Day gig, great venue, very intimate.


Think I'm done seeing her for awhile now though :D Not sure why she is on such a mad touring schedule that she would be coming through sheff 3 times in a year....

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