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Israel warns it will respond to peace activists sending another flotilla

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of course they were given a warning. They were addressed verbally prior to the commandos boarding the Marmara.


they warned the occupants of the other five ships of the flotilla too. You remember them? The ones that didn't pick a fight? The ones where there were no deaths or injuries?


what happened was that the IHH decided to concentrate all the Islamist heavy mob that wanted to take on the Israelis violently on the Marmara only. They were looking for a fight and got one.


Would there have been a fight if they stayed on the helicopter ?

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there certainly wouldn't have been a fight if the heavy mob on the Marmara had engaged in passive resistance, or no resistance at all, like the people on the other ships did. Instead, they attacked the commandos with weapons.

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I dont think the Israeli's will make the mistakes they made the last time when they looked like pathetic prats instead of a well organised armed force.


They may opt for a more hands off tactic this time like nuking the ship before it gets anywhere near them, just to be on the safe side.

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in retrospect, they'll have realised that they were too soft with them, they boarded with minimal weaponry - paintguns?!?!?! - and got a nasty surprise when they were attacked. They weren't expecting it.


they thought the protestors were going to be the usual bunch of tree-hugging hippies instead of the violent Islamist mob they were, bent on confrontation.

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in retrospect, they'll have realised that they were too soft with them, they boarded with minimal weaponry, and got a nasty surprise when they were attacked. They weren't expecting it.


they thought the protestors were going to be the usual bunch of tree-hugging hippies instead of the violent Islamist mob they were, bent on confrontation.

Like I said they looked like prats.


what you describe as being too soft other observers would say that they knew exactly what they were doing, giving themselves a reason to go in strong and kill some Arabs.

There was no reason what so ever to board anything, any other special forces anywhere in the world would have disabled the ship before even attempting to board but if they had done that then the threat of them making it to it destination would not have been a factor and the legitimacy to go in guns blazing would not be there.


But that said I doubt many would expect any different from a state that is willing to phosphor bomb kids, Im sure the next encounter we talk about will be equally as impressive because they don't know any different.

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first things first. Turks aren't Arabs. Iranians aren't Arabs. And Kurds aren't Arabs.


how would you suggest that they 'disable' the ships? By sinking them?


and they didn't go in 'guns-blazing', otherwise they wouldn't have been attacked in the first place. They did have side arms, together with their paintguns (they had no rifles), but because the commandos were required to wear gloves when they were coming down the ropes to avoid friction burns, they couldn't get them out of their holsters and use them in their defence quickly enough. This gave the Islamist mob time to set about them with the weapons they had ready.

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Yea not only is he racist, but get this, he's GAY so that makes him at least 10 times more evil :o


The note of Griffin's sexuality is simply a suggested as to why he's so unhappy. I see nothing wrong with being gay but I believe Griffin hates what he is and transfers that hate to others in order to like himself more.


I believe Freud had something to say on that subject. It's also odd that many of Griffin's supporters hate "poofs" to the point why one British Nazi party member killed a bunch of innocent people because they were gay while posters of Hitler and the murderer's gay boss were on his wall.

Thick or what?

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Yep it seems upinwath as well as being racist is also,as befits the muslim religion,homophobic.

Its strange he berates the BNP for anti Semitism ,they are just beginners compared to his muslim friends


That is an interesting post. It does have one minor fault in that it's a pile of horse droppings.

Firstly, try to find a racist post of mine anywhere on any forum. I know you can't because your suggestion is that of a fibbing little cretin.

Now let me ask him to quote any post of mine suggesting any any Jewish feeling at all. You'll find plenty having a go at the murderous Israeli government and their vicious dogs in the IDF but none having a go at Israelis or Jews in general.


Lies are a really handy tool when your politics are as vile as your.

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I'm not being funny but I've met a few Israelis over the years and quite like them. They seemed fair in their opinions...


I've met very few. 3 or 4 in Barnsley a few years ago but they were pretty lasses so politics or religion didn't come into it.

A family we shared lunch with at a Chinese restaurant in London and a Woman in Jakarta. I wasn't really much bothered about the latter. She was way over the top and pretty extreme in her views. She shut her daft trap when she worked out I was a Muslim.

The rest were just people like anyone else. I see no reason to have a go at all Israelis because not all Israelis support what's going on over there.

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